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Your Fingertips
The new NOOK now has double the storage so you can read more than ever before. Choose from our vast eBook library with more than one million titles under $4.99. Or browse collections curated by our expert booksellers to find your next great read.
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Experience a Soft Touch & Vivid 7 inch IPS Display
Lightweight and sized for carrying everywhere you go, our soft-touch case and clear, beautiful display provides the perfect framework to read, watch movies, or browse the web.
Barnes & Noble at your Fingertips
Choose from our vast library of eBooks, including more than a million titles under $4.99. Scroll our aisles with collections curated by our expert booksellers to help you find your next great read.
Comes with Google Play
Millions of Android apps, games, movies, songs and more are available on Google Play, your entertainment hub right at your fingertips, instantly accessible across devices wherever you go.
Powered by Android Oreo
(Go edition)
Best of Android built with new and re-imagined apps for better performance, better battery life, and more storage.
Vivid, bright 7″ IPS display
Whether you’re reading, using your favorite apps, or surfing the web, enjoy the new NOOK Tablet’s beautiful IPS display.
Take Barnes & Noble with You
Get up to 128GB of additional storage with an optional microSD card, and store eligible eBooks to make more room.1 All of your NOOK purchases are stored for free in the NOOK Cloud.
Family Friendly by Design
Explore one of the largest selections of books tailored to kids of every age and ability. Create individual profiles and unique bookshelves for your entire family. Parental controls allow you to manage what your kids see.
Read for Hours
The long-lasting battery keeps you powered up to read at home or on the go for up to 7 hours of reading, web browsing and video watching.
Visit Browsery to talk about your favorite books and get recommendations for new ones from a community of fellow readers.
Free In-Store Support
Visit any Barnes & Noble for help setting up and troubleshooting, great book recommendations, and tips and tricks on using your new NOOK.
Device Specifications
7″ IPS Display |
Battery Life |
Storage |
Built-in Wi-Fi |
Operating System |
Connectors |
Cameras |
Supported File Types |
In the Box |