It seems like the mobile device market is moving faster than ever, a point proven by yet another launch even this fall –this time it is BlackBerry with a round of enterprise branded announcements. CEO John Chen will join a few of his top executives in San Fransisco on November 13, intending to debut a selection of hardware and software. Given the theme, we may be lucky enough to see the release of their much-anticipated BlackBerry Enterprise Server 12 (that includes the company’s updated mobile device management solution).
It wasn’t that long ago that we last saw BlackBerry up on stage, with their Passport launch event happening this past September. That event brought consumers the Passport, which may be an unusual looking smartphone, but initial responses have been positive. To appease BlackBerry loyalists who may be less interested in something that looks so different, the Classic was also shown off (but not released) earlier this year, offering users the QWERTY keyboard they love combined with the touchscreen they need in this modern day… so maybe it’s time for a true launch now.
Last, but not least, BlackBerry users should expect to see the release of OS 10.3.1. This is especially good news for existing OS 10 devices that haven’t yet received the 10.3 update as they can dive right in with 10.3.1.
Keeping up this momentum may be the way BlackBerry stays afloat and corrects their course in this mobile marketplace. For those of us who really enjoy a Canadian technology success story, let’s hope it isn’t too late.