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Good e-Reader Forum

E-Reader DiscussionLast post
What e-Reader should I buy?Wondering what new e-reader to buy? Tap into the wellspring of knowledge form our great community.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: What should you buy · 2 months ago · Michael Kozlowski
Amazon KindleThe Kindle is the world's most popular e-reader; this community is ideal for your needs.13 Topics · 13 PostsLast post: Tools for Downloading Your Kindle … · 2 weeks ago · Michael Kozlowski
Rakuten KoboThe Kobo line of e-readers is the second most popular in the world. Any questions? Ask them here.2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: Kobo e-readers are now $10 more ex … · 1 month ago · Sovan Mandal
Barnes and NobleThe Nook is a Barnes and Noble e-reader line; they also have tablets. This forum is devoted to all things Nook.3 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: How do I refund a wrong transactio … · 1 month ago · creditcome0
PocketbookThe Pocketbook e-reader is excellent for people who want manual page-turn buttons and tons of supported e-book formats.1 Topic · 1 PostLast post: Pocketbook Verse Pro Color Now on … · 2 months ago · Michael Kozlowski
Onyx BooxOnyx Boox has e-readers and e-notes in their catalog. They are very popular with enthusiasts.1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: Boox Firmware 4.0 is coming out so … · 1 month ago · blahblahb423
General ChatDo you have a question about all other e-readers or want to chat?3 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: Top List of Gambling-Focused Books … · 8 hours ago · Michael Kozlowski
Reading DiscussionLast post
E-BooksThis is a great place to discuss digital books, textbooks, magazines, and newspapers.17 Topics · 17 PostsLast post: Digital Manga is taking Japan by s … · 3 days ago · Michael Kozlowski
AudiobooksAudiobooks are the most popular format in digital publishing. Discuss everything to do with audiobooks, from streaming to offline listening.9 Topics · 9 PostsLast post: Audible Standard Plus Subscription … · 3 days ago · Michael Kozlowski
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