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Amazon is Preventing Download and Transfer via USB Early

Amazon Kindle

Amazon had earlier dropped a bombshell when it announced it is curtailing one of the most loved features of the Kindle e-readers, the ability to download and transfer books to your Kindle. Amazon has stated the feature won't be available with any Kindle e-reader starting February 26, 2025. However, it seems the company is impatient to see the ruling take effect so that many users have already reported vis Reddit they aren't able to download and transfer books to their Kindle devices.

As it is, there has been a sudden rush among users to download the books they have purchased from Amazon to their computers before the Feb 26 deadline kicks in. However, with a couple of days to go before the deadline, many have stated they are not able to download their books from the Kindle library to their local storage. For many, such downloads stretched to hundreds or even thousands of titles with a cumulative worth of several thousand dollars.

Downloading the books to your computer has several advantages as they serve as a local backup of your library. However, one of the biggest reasons people tend to download books to their PC is that this enables them to convert the Amazon Kindle file to a format that will let them read the same via any other e-reader or another device. This allows for greater flexibility when it comes to the device they can read the books on. This also is an act of e-book piracy and is the precise reason why Amazon has decided to kill the download and transfer option in the first place.

This also happens to be part of a well thought out strategy on part of Amazon to curb e-book piracy. All the 12 generation Kindle devices lacked the feature right from the start. However, the same has now been extended to cover all Kindle devices. That said, the thing to keep in mind is that you can still use Calibre to transfer books to your Kindle. You can also continue to sideload e-books to your Kindle using USB as before.

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