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How to borrow OverDrive ebooks on your Kobo e-reader

Quote from Michael Kozlowski on 26 January 2025, 2:13 AM OverDrive is a free service offered by public libraries that lets you borrow eBooks and read them on your Kobo eReader.
OverDrive Compatibility notes
- The built-in OverDrive feature for Kobo eReaders is only compatible in:
- Canada
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Denmark
- Finland
- Norway
- Sweden
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
- The built-in OverDrive feature is only available for these Kobo eReaders:
- Kobo Libra colour
- Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo Clara BW
- Kobo Elipsa 2E
- Kobo Clara 2E
- Kobo Sage
- Kobo Libra 2
- Kobo Elipsa
- Kobo Nia
- Kobo Libra H2O
- Kobo Forma
- Kobo Aura ONE
- Kobo Aura Edition 2
- Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2
- Kobo Clara HD
- If you're not sure which eReader you have, follow the steps in this article.
- If your eReader isn't listed above, read the steps here to add eBooks from the public library's website.
- OverDrive may not be available at your local library.
- Some Kobo titles may not be available from your library, and some library titles may not be available from Kobo.
With OverDrive on your Kobo eReader, all you need is a library card and a Wi Fi connection to borrow eBooks from your public library. Browse, borrow, and place holds on library books directly from your eReader.
Find local libraries that support OverDrive
To find the closest library that supports OverDrive, go to overdrive.com and enter the name of your city, then click Go. You'll see a map with libraries that support OverDrive.
Note: OverDrive is available in most public libraries in: Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Book selections will be different for each library.
Set up your OverDrive on your eReader
To borrow eBooks with OverDrive, you'll need to sign in using your library card information or an existing OverDrive account.
Before you start, you'll need:
- A valid library card from your local library.
- An active Wi Fi connection.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap the
More icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap OverDrive.
- Tap Get Started.
- Tap Sign in to OverDrive to find your library and sign in with your library card or an existing OverDrive account.
- Under "Find a public library', enter the name of your library.
- Tap on the name of your library.
- Sign in to OverDrive by doing one of the following:
- Scan the QR code using your phone and follow the onscreen steps OR;
- Open your web browser and enter the URL shown on your eReader's screen and then enter the code shown on your eReader.
Note: If you tap 'Sign in on this device' to set up OverDrive, you may encounter issues signing in. If you have issues signing into your OverDrive account, it's recommended that you follow the steps above to sign in using the QR code method.
- Follow the onscreen steps to log in to your account.
After you've signed in to your library, you can borrow books on your eReader.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap
Discover at the bottom of the screen.
- Search for the book that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap on the book title or cover that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap the
More icon.
- Tap Borrow with OverDrive.
If the book is available, you'll see a dialogue that confirms that you've checked out the book. Simply sync your eReader to see the book on your Home screen. If the book isn't available, you'll have the option to place the book on hold. You'll be notified by email when the book is available.
Items you've borrowed are automatically returned at the end of their lending period.
Place a hold
If the book isn't available, you can place a hold on it. Follow the steps below to learn how.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap
Discover at the bottom of the screen.
- Search for the book that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap on the book title or cover that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap the
More icon.
- Tap Place a hold with OverDrive.
You'll see a confirmation message.- Tap Yes.
You'll see a message that confirms that you've placed an item on hold.
To see the book that you have on hold, tap Go to Holds.If you want to change your email address that OverDrive uses to notify you when your hold is available, tap Need to change email? and follow the onscreen steps.
View books that are on hold
If you place a book on hold, you can check if your books become available.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap the
bell icon at the top of the screen.
Note: If a hold becomes available, you'll see thebell icon with a notification.
- Tap Borrow now.
- Tap Borrow beside the book that you want to check out.
View your OverDrive books
After you borrow books from OverDrive, you can sort your book view so that it only shows books you've borrowed from your public library.
Sorting your books lets you easily see all the books you've borrowed from OverDrive.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap My Books at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Filter near the top of the screen.
- Tap OverDrive.
You'll see all the books you've borrowed using OverDrive.
OverDrive Compatibility notes
- The built-in OverDrive feature for Kobo eReaders is only compatible in:
- Canada
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Denmark
- Finland
- Norway
- Sweden
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
- The built-in OverDrive feature is only available for these Kobo eReaders:
- Kobo Libra colour
- Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo Clara BW
- Kobo Elipsa 2E
- Kobo Clara 2E
- Kobo Sage
- Kobo Libra 2
- Kobo Elipsa
- Kobo Nia
- Kobo Libra H2O
- Kobo Forma
- Kobo Aura ONE
- Kobo Aura Edition 2
- Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2
- Kobo Clara HD
- If you're not sure which eReader you have, follow the steps in this article.
- If your eReader isn't listed above, read the steps here to add eBooks from the public library's website.
- OverDrive may not be available at your local library.
- Some Kobo titles may not be available from your library, and some library titles may not be available from Kobo.
With OverDrive on your Kobo eReader, all you need is a library card and a Wi Fi connection to borrow eBooks from your public library. Browse, borrow, and place holds on library books directly from your eReader.
Find local libraries that support OverDrive
To find the closest library that supports OverDrive, go to overdrive.com and enter the name of your city, then click Go. You'll see a map with libraries that support OverDrive.
Note: OverDrive is available in most public libraries in: Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. Book selections will be different for each library.
Set up your OverDrive on your eReader
To borrow eBooks with OverDrive, you'll need to sign in using your library card information or an existing OverDrive account.
Before you start, you'll need:
- A valid library card from your local library.
- An active Wi Fi connection.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap the
More icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap OverDrive.
- Tap Get Started.
- Tap Sign in to OverDrive to find your library and sign in with your library card or an existing OverDrive account.
- Under "Find a public library', enter the name of your library.
- Tap on the name of your library.
- Sign in to OverDrive by doing one of the following:
- Scan the QR code using your phone and follow the onscreen steps OR;
- Open your web browser and enter the URL shown on your eReader's screen and then enter the code shown on your eReader.
Note: If you tap 'Sign in on this device' to set up OverDrive, you may encounter issues signing in. If you have issues signing into your OverDrive account, it's recommended that you follow the steps above to sign in using the QR code method.
- Scan the QR code using your phone and follow the onscreen steps OR;
- Follow the onscreen steps to log in to your account.
After you've signed in to your library, you can borrow books on your eReader.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap
Discover at the bottom of the screen.
- Search for the book that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap on the book title or cover that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap the
More icon.
- Tap Borrow with OverDrive.
If the book is available, you'll see a dialogue that confirms that you've checked out the book. Simply sync your eReader to see the book on your Home screen. If the book isn't available, you'll have the option to place the book on hold. You'll be notified by email when the book is available.
Items you've borrowed are automatically returned at the end of their lending period.
Place a hold
If the book isn't available, you can place a hold on it. Follow the steps below to learn how.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap
Discover at the bottom of the screen.
- Search for the book that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap on the book title or cover that you'd like to borrow.
- Tap the
More icon.
- Tap Place a hold with OverDrive.
You'll see a confirmation message. - Tap Yes.
You'll see a message that confirms that you've placed an item on hold.
To see the book that you have on hold, tap Go to Holds.
If you want to change your email address that OverDrive uses to notify you when your hold is available, tap Need to change email? and follow the onscreen steps.
View books that are on hold
If you place a book on hold, you can check if your books become available.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap the
bell icon at the top of the screen.
Note: If a hold becomes available, you'll see thebell icon with a notification.
- Tap Borrow now.
- Tap Borrow beside the book that you want to check out.
View your OverDrive books
After you borrow books from OverDrive, you can sort your book view so that it only shows books you've borrowed from your public library.
Sorting your books lets you easily see all the books you've borrowed from OverDrive.
- Go to your Home screen.
- Tap My Books at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Filter near the top of the screen.
- Tap OverDrive.
You'll see all the books you've borrowed using OverDrive.