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TCL Showcases New E Ink Signage and Poster at ISE 2025

Tcl E Paper Signage

TCL came up with some innovative E-Ink-based display solutions at the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2025 event held recently in Barcelona, Spain. The company showcased a pair of displays which includes the Electronic Paper Signage which comes in 31.5-inch and 25.3-inch dimensions and an Electronic Paper Photo Frame which offers a 13.3-inch e-paper display.

Both display solutions are based on the E Ink Spectra 6 display technology that offers bright and high-contrast color-rich displays. Both being wireless in nature, they are easy to install and maintain. The display is also very soothing to the eyes and has a wide viewing angle. The display is perfectly readable even in strong sun-lit conditions.

The other inherent positive quality of the Spectra 6 e-paper display, or for that matter, e-paper display as a whole, is its ultra-low power requirement. The display draws power only when the image changes while requiring almost zero power as long as the display is static. This makes them extremely power efficient. This combined with the fact that they emit very little heat while in use makes them well aligned with the current trend favoring environment-friendly devices. The device itself is made from eco-friendly materials too.

The e-paper signage and photo frame also come with a comprehensive communication suite. That includes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 4G connectivity. Besides, there also are USB ports for wired connectivity and data transfer. The integrated battery can last 6 months to even 18 months depending on the model, the usage pattern, and the eye protection features they come with.

More info about the display is available via a video presentation on YouTube.

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