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US ebook revenue increased by 1.6% in 2024

Digital book sales in the United States was up 1.6% as compared to 2023 for a total of $1.0 billion. Digital audiobook sales was up 23.8%, coming in at $1.1 billion in revenue. Physical Audio was down 37.4% coming in at $8.7 million.

Year-To-Date Trade revenues were up 6.0%, at $9.5 billion on a year-to-date basis. Hardback revenues were up 6.8%, coming in at $3.5 billion; Paperbacks were up 3.0%, with $3.2 billion in revenue; Mass Market was down 13.3% to $122.9 million; and Special Bindings were up 4.3%, with $231.7 million in revenue.

December Sales

Ebook revenues were down 11.8% for the month as compared to December 2023 for a total of $78.4 million. Digital Audio was up 12.0% for December, coming in at $92.9 million in revenue. Physical Audio was down 57.9% coming in at $500 thousand.

In terms of physical paper format revenues during the month of December, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were down 1.0%, coming in at $247.0 million; Paperbacks were down 11.0%, with $220.0 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 9.2% to $10.1 million; and Special Bindings were up 0.1%, with $19.1 million in revenue.
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