The Huawei S7 tablet was scheduled to be launched on July 7th. Even pre-orders had commenced at eXpansys. However, much to the disappointment of those who were awaiting its release, that has not happened. The tablet to be with its Snapdragon base did not meet up to its hyped up entrance date for reasons not so much on the fault of Huawei as much as optimistic estimation given … [Read more...] about Huawei S7 tablet delayed. To debut early August
Huawei S7 Android tablet for year end Australian debut
Chinese networking and telecommunications giant Huawei said they are in the process of launching a tablet PC in Australia towards the end of 2010. The company revealed the 7 inch tablet will run the Google Android OS and claims the tablet's low price point will make it an appealing alternative to the Apple's iPad. The Huawei S7 tablet was first seen seen at the MWC 2010 and … [Read more...] about Huawei S7 Android tablet for year end Australian debut
Good E-Reader Computex Exclusive: The Huawei S7 Tablet PC unveiled
Tablet devices of all shapes and sizes continue to pour out at the Computex and there’s one more to join the show – the S7 from Huawei. With so many tablets propping up, it would have been silly not to see a tablet being launched by a company as big as the Huawei from neighboring China. And they have bought with them a mighty device in the form of the S7, to say the least. … [Read more...] about Good E-Reader Computex Exclusive: The Huawei S7 Tablet PC unveiled