Well, lets get the facts right before you start raising your eye brows. What you see as the 'Porn' button on the Galaxy Tab is actually the Romanian word for 'Home.' It all started like this - 'Home' in Romanian language is called 'Pornire' which has been cut short to just its four initial letters 'Porn' by someone at Samsung tasked with designing the user interface. Obviously … [Read more...] about Galaxy Tab Complete With Porn Button
samsung galaxy tab
Samsung And Pyxis Mobile join forces to invade enterprise scene
Samsung has shown the strongest signs yet of its intention of making the Galaxy Tab an enticing buy in the enterprise sector. For this, the South Korean electronics conglomerate has entered into a strategic partnership with Pyxis Mobile so as to come up with apps targeted specifically for enterprise application. The idea is to make the best use of Pyxis Mobile’s WYSIWYG mobile … [Read more...] about Samsung And Pyxis Mobile join forces to invade enterprise scene
Samsung Galaxy Tab hits the UK November 1st
We all know the Samsung Galaxy Tab! We previewed it extensively at the IFA in Berlin Germany. It is the new flagship Android tablet, with tons of sweet applications, including the Kobo Readers Hub. We now have official news that it launches in the United Kingdom on November the 1st. Representing a new category of mobile products for the company, the Galaxy Tab features a … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab hits the UK November 1st
Galaxy Tab all set for Italian debut in October
Samsung is slowly making available its much awaited Galaxy Tab tablet in more and more regions around the world. The latest pending location will be Italy. The good thing is one won't have to count off many days to get the chance to lay their hands on one of the 7 inch Android tablets as its likely to be in the markets by the first week of October. However, there are no … [Read more...] about Galaxy Tab all set for Italian debut in October
Samsung Galaxy Tab available in Australia for $999
We just got some news regarding the land down under! It looks like if you are not going to buy the device under contract from one of Australia's 3 different carriers supporting the device, you will have to shell out around $999.00 for it. Although the Galaxy Tab will retail for around $200.00 more in Australia than the Apple iPad, Samsung had this to say; "We have a size … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab available in Australia for $999
Samsung Galaxy Tab New Commercial
In this new commercial Samsung shows off the new Galaxy Tab Tablet! If you have not heard of this dandy yet, you have been literally sleeping under a rock, with perhaps an anvil dropped on you to induce a coma (in the latter case thanks for checking out the Good e-Reader blog first thing when you woke up). In any case, you can see a full preview HERE and HERE. Anyways, this … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab New Commercial
The Samsung Galaxy Tab
So the Galaxy Tab from Samsung has finally gets to see the light of day at Berlin, while on the other end of the Atlantic in New York we get a clearer picture of the 7 inch tablet. There Samsung came clean about its carrier plans for the Galaxy Tab, and there is something for each of the four major telecom players in the US; Sprint, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile will be … [Read more...] about The Samsung Galaxy Tab
Samsung Galaxy Tab will be available at T-Mobile
Samsung just confirmed that every major carrier in the USA will carry their brand new Galaxy Tab for this holiday season, including T-Mobile. The Samsung Galaxy Tab will be the first Android device that T-Mobile will have ever offered to its customer base. For a full preview of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, click HERE. Here is the latest Press Release T-Mobile Extends … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab will be available at T-Mobile
Samsung Galaxy Tab will not have 4G on Sprint Networks
Samsung proclaimed that for the US launch of the Galaxy Tab all major carriers would support it and make the Galaxy TAB available. Sprint today dashed anyone's hopes of the new Android Tablet to take advantage of the only 4G network in the nation. We also have news that the Samsung Galaxy Tab will not have telephone support. This means you will not be able to pair it with … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab will not have 4G on Sprint Networks
Good E-Reader IFA Exclusive – Samsung Galaxy Tab now available on pre-order
Things have suddenly increased their pace! It was just yesterday that the much awaited 7 inch tablet from Samsung, the Galaxy Pad, was announced at the IFA in Berlin and now the latest tablet PC news has it that the UK retail giant Expansys is currently accepting pre-orders for the Galaxy Pad. The price mentioned therein is £679.99 per unit, which translates to about $1,046 … [Read more...] about Good E-Reader IFA Exclusive – Samsung Galaxy Tab now available on pre-order