Teen Titans Go!, which launched earlier this year, is an animated cartoon (it runs during the DC Nation block on Cartoon Network) about a bunch of teen-aged comic-book characters—Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg. And now, DC is completing the cycle of (cartoon) life by making a digital-first Teen Titans Go! comic, which will be written by Merrill Hagan (a former writer for the cartoon) and Sholly Fisch (who scripted DC Super Friends). Ben Bates and Jorge Corona will handle the art, and that sweet cover up there is by Dan Hipp. As Hagan explains, in the comic, as in the cartoon, everyone’s personality will be turned up to 11:
“The characters have been so amped up and their personalities are a little bit more extreme than before. Robin has always been a perfectionist, but in Teen Titans Go, you can see the psychological cracks in that make up and that he’s kind of overly perfectionist.
Like Adventure Time and The Regular Show, Teen Titans Go! will be written for all ages, in the truest sense of the term “You need to write it at a couple different levels simultaneously, so there’s something to appeal to the adults who’re watching, but something that will appeal to the kids who are watching too,” [Hagan] explained. “They both end up laughing but not necessarily laughing at the same joke.”
The comic, which will be part of the DC2 line of digital comics with enhanced storytelling, will come out monthly, and it will be collected into a print comic that will appear bimonthly; two of the digital comics will be bound together as one print comic. Watch for the first issue in December.