
Twitter is often a vehicle employed by self-published authors to promote their eBooks. Thousands of Tweets are sent out everyday with no value other than the desperate attempts to sell a few copies of their Book on Amazon.  Twitter is seeking to save us from the maelstrom of spam with the advent of a new Mute function.

Twitter Mute is a new software enhancement that will be implemented in the official apps for iOS and Android. Soon after that it will be rolled out to the website under the “more” heading. The essence of Mute is the ability to just plain ignore a specific account, without having to unfollow them. This is useful for accounts such as ours, that have thousands of authors following us.

The mute function could not have come at a better time. Amazon recently announced that they have signed an agreement with Twitter to allow people to add things to their shopping cart by using the hashtag #Amazoncart. Indie authors will be Tweeting out their product links to the Kindle Store and readers just have to reply to the Tweet with the hashtag. The eBook will then be directly added to their shopping cart on Amazon, waiting to be purchased. Not many authors are clued into this feature yet, but in a matter of weeks the #bymybook spam will be out of control, as authors will finally be able to directly monetize their Tweets.

Publishers, Bloggers, Writers and websites that focus on book reviews will find the mute functionality a savior from the onslaught of indie author spam. These type of Twitter accounts often try and follow as people people as people, in the hopes they will boister up their own follower account. In social media circles, followers are everything. Mute will make the social media experience more manageable and filter out the rabble of self-publishing dimwits.

Editor-in-chief |

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.