Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if it really is. For it has all the ingredients needed to make a sure fire recipe of success. The original Kindle was always a good e-reader and Amazon worked on it and came with an even better version, the Kindle 2. And now, we have another iteration that can be considered the best in the series so far. Not only has Amazon ensured the new Kindle betters in almost every respect the Kindle 2, the one thing that has made sure no other e-reader can even come close to the new Kindle, leave alone compete with its is its killer price. The new Kindle can be yours for as low as just $139 for the WiFi only version while the 3G enabled Kindle is available at a quite affordable $189.
The areas where the new Kindle scores above the Kindle 2 as also its competition is its new enhanced e-ink screen that makes for an even better reader experience. The 6 inch display now boasts of a better contrast and quicker refresh rates while its external dimensions and weight, already a strong point of the Kindle 2 has been brought down further.
However, the new Kindle has grown on the inside so that storage space is now 4 GB while its battery is even more lively so that it can sustain operations for as long as a month with the wireless turned off. And the new Kindle also comes with a web browser though this can’t be termed an exciting addition for an e-ink enabled display.
In any case, the new Kindle is definitely one of the most exciting items to buy be it either for your own personal use or as a gift item. Its rumored to be selling in incredibly high numbers though there are no sales figure forthcoming from Amazon that can lend some weight to the rumors. And with the holiday season approaching, the new Kindle is all set to make for a phenomenal success story.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.