There are two major camps when it comes to e-readers. People who want something that is a dedicated reading device to consume ebooks and those who covet features that multipurpose tablets have, such as games and apps. A Brief History Our reading habits have really changed over the past decade. In 2007, when Amazon released their first generation Kindle, ebooks enjoyed a … [Read more...] about What can Google Android do for e-Readers?
Book Piracy Hackers now use Catfishing to target unsuspecting readers
In looking through the most “persuasive words” lists in the English language, FREE comes up just about every time. It’s not surprising, as many people reacting to this word become very excited when they think that they are getting something they won’t have to pay for. That’s fine, as long as the giver is doing it legitimately, and the receiver knows what he or she is getting … [Read more...] about Book Piracy Hackers now use Catfishing to target unsuspecting readers
The Effect of e-Books on College Students
In the age of the Internet, everything has become accessible. Any information that only two decades ago was under seven locks, today can pop up on anyone’s computer screen. Given that the Internet has presented us with an easy access to any data, books have no longer become something that is hard to find. Besides, we also don’t have to pay for an actual book, but instead, we … [Read more...] about The Effect of e-Books on College Students
An Authoritative Look at Book Publishing Startups in the United States
I have just published a report that looks at the startup scene in the U.S. book publishing industry. I was trying to answer some questions. How many startups are there? How many have raised funds, and how much have they raised? How many have cashed out: merged with another company or otherwise been acquired? How many all already out of business. The full report is available for … [Read more...] about An Authoritative Look at Book Publishing Startups in the United States
E-Paper can book a parking spot in new carpooling scheme
Anyone who has ever been stuck in traffic first thing in the morning can tell you that mobility from home to work is a huge problem. What might not be as clear is the fact that it is an enterprise that comes at a huge cost to the environment. Motor vehicles can collectively cause as much as 75% of a country’s carbon monoxide pollution, with a mid-sized car emitting 1.3 tons … [Read more...] about E-Paper can book a parking spot in new carpooling scheme
Sofa Sign, activating public spaces with just four bolts
Soofa, a spinoff of MIT, has joined forces with Visionect to activate public spaces in Boston with the most advanced in urban street furniture: the solar-powered Soofa Sign. A companion to the Visionect-powered wayfinding sign unveiled in Boston’s City Hall Plaza, the Soofa Sign is the newest product in Soofa's smart urban furniture ecosystem. A plug and play solution, … [Read more...] about Sofa Sign, activating public spaces with just four bolts
Giving life to trucks with location-triggered ads and notifications
“Our objective was to give life to surfaces around us,” said Barrett Comiskey, the inventor of electronic paper when asked about the idea behind electronic ink, “and to do so in a way that we’re accustomed to, as opposed to the somewhat intrusive, glowing nature of the emissive displays like LCD.” This objective is now becoming a reality. Joining the long list of versatile … [Read more...] about Giving life to trucks with location-triggered ads and notifications
Electronic paper revitalizes the museum
The earliest written explanations of exhibits on display in a museum date back as far as 530 BCE, when clay cylinders in different languages were used to accompany the artifacts in the Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum of Ancient Ur. For centuries now most museums have kept this approach to displaying an exhibit, printing and reprinting gallery cards to let museum visitors into the … [Read more...] about Electronic paper revitalizes the museum
Electronic paper fights school bullying
Electronic paper is going to take over the world sooner than you think, wrote Wired in its article on the meteoric rise of the technology. This proliferation is made possible by the fact that there is only one display technology that checks all the boxes of versatile indoor and outdoor use. E-paper is rugged, requires very little power and can be used and viewed with ease in … [Read more...] about Electronic paper fights school bullying
The State of Digital Publishing in Canada 2015
The State of Digital Publishing in Canada report is the result of our third year of surveying publishers and compiling data on digital publishing programs. With three years of data to compare, this report looks at the size, scope, and production processes of the Canadian digital publishing market. When asked about their goals for producing ebooks, almost all publishers (88%) … [Read more...] about The State of Digital Publishing in Canada 2015