Barnes and Noble is holding a press event in New York City tommorow to give us the first look at the new Barnes and Noble Nook Simple Touch with a front lighted LED light. This will allow you to get a pure e-ink experience and be able to read your e-reader in the dark. Barnes and Noble will beat Amazon to the market with this device when it hits stores in May.

The Barnes and Noble Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight technology is the answer to most people’s problems with reading in low-light conditions. The hardware itself is not changing much and will still feature a six inch e-ink pearl display with 800×600 pixels and 16 levels of greyscale. Glowlight gives bedtime readers just the right amount of light for reading, without disturbing a sleepy spouse.  There is a switch on the e-reader that activates the glow feature so you don’t have to use the light if you don’t want to.

e-Reader owners often like to read books in bed when they are going to sleep. A recent survey conducted mentioned that over 72% of avid readers are doing this. The drawback is that most traditional e-ink readers need a direct lightning source because they do not emit light. People have bypassed this with purchasing aftermarket lights to attach to their e-readers, but they are bulky and encumbersome.

This new device is on pre-order right now through Barnes and Noble and will be $139.99, it should be released in the first few weeks of May 2012. Good e-Reader will be live on the scene in New York City tomorrow with a hands on review of the device and lots of pictures and video! Stay tuned!

[showhide type=’pressrelease’]New York, New York – April 12, 2012 – Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products, today introduced NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight, the world’s first E Ink device with patent-pending lighting technology that eliminates the number-one problem couples have in bed – having their sleep interrupted, or being prevented from falling asleep, when their partner reads with the light on. With a soft, adjustable glow, GlowLight gives bedtime readers just the right amount of light for reading, without disturbing a sleepy spouse. Like having two Readers in one, the first and only Reader designed to let E Ink customers read in the dark is equally amazing at the beach, with a paper-like reading experience, even in the bright sun. This revolutionary device is the first to combine the most advanced and fastest E Ink display with a precise infrared touchscreen, built-in anti-glare screen for reading in any lit environment, and an evenly distributed and adjustable light for reading in the dark. NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight is also the lightest NOOK ever, with a long-lasting battery for over one month of reading on a single charge, with the light on. Customers can pre-order the newest addition to the award-winning NOOK portfolio immediately for just $139 at and in Barnes & Noble stores. NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight will be in stores and homes starting in early May, a perfect gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and graduations.

For people who love to read, E Ink’s paper-like readability, no-glare screen and long battery life have made it a favorite and nearly perfect device choice, with one exception: reading in bed or other low-light environments. And according to a recent Barnes & Noble national survey of adult readers, reading in bed is what 64 percent do on a regular basis, so it’s not surprising that the number-one request from E Ink customers is the ability to read in the dark to avoid bothering a significant other.

The Brightest Innovation in Reading
Barnes & Noble created breakthrough GlowLight technology, an innovative lighting solution optimized for low-light conditions, never before seen on an E Ink display and not available on any Kindle. NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight delivers uniform light across an E Ink display, creating a better nighttime reading experience than LCD. GlowLight turns on instantly and adjusts easily with a touch, so customers can control the amount of light, whether in a dimly lit or pitch dark room. NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight is the perfect peacekeeper for the half of survey respondents who would read more in bed if it didn’t interfere with their partners’ sleep.

“To date, readers have had to compromise: either buying black-and-white E Ink reading devices to optimize their outdoor reading or color LCD devices to be able to read at night in bed with the light off. NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight is like two Readers in one,” said William J. Lynch, Chief Executive Officer of Barnes & Noble. “With our new GlowLight technology and the most advanced E Ink display available, we’ve created the most versatile, high-utility Reader ever; as exceptional for reading in the darkest bedroom as on the brightest beach. At only $139, NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight provides customers an amazing value and is the only device of its kind in the world.”

Resolving the Bedtime Reading Debate
For as long as there have been beds, and books, there’s been a common clash between couples at bedtime: Lights on, to read? Or off, to sleep? “The Barnes & Noble NOOK Bedtime Reading Debate,” a survey conducted March 1-5, 2012, polled 1,358 adult readers across the country about their reading habits, and shed new light on this age-old challenge.

* Bed Heads: Approximately two-thirds (64 percent) of people polled read in bed, and nearly a quarter read in bed between five and seven days a week.
o People who own Readers are among the most likely to read in bed (72 percent) and are more likely to read in bed on a weekly basis than tablet owners (61 percent vs. 54 percent).
* The Gender Divide: While reading in bed is a top pick for both genders, there’s a distinct divide when it comes to second place: women are likelier than men to read outdoors (40 percent vs. 25 percent), and men more frequently read in the bathroom (41 percent vs. 26 percent for women).
* The Light/Dark Debate: 77 percent of survey respondents say they or their partner requires light for their bedtime reading, although nearly 90 percent say their ideal sleep environment is completely dark.
o Men are far more likely than women to report their significant other disrupts their sleep by using a light to read in bed.
* Keeping Peace: 50 percent of respondents say either they or their partner would read more in bed if it didn’t affect the other person’s sleep.
* Sleepus Interruptus: A partner using a light to read in bed was deemed most disruptive by respondents – even more than a frisky partner’s “midnight moves.”
o 31 percent of respondents noted that a partner’s use of a light to read in bed interfered with their sleep or prevented them from falling asleep, while 20 percent noted that romantic overtures did the same.
* Perturbed Partners: Nearly half (42 percent) of survey respondents have gone to sleep annoyed because their significant other was reading with a light on.
* Night Flight, Not Fight: 42 percent of people surveyed say they or their partner has physically relocated to another room to read to not disturb the partner who wanted to sleep, as most also agreed this was the best way to “keep the peace.”
o The “lights-on” breach of bediquette leads many to throw in the towel when it comes to sleep with flipping on the TV, leaving the room to read or staying up to read themselves the most frequent alternatives.

Lightweight and Ultra Portable
At under 7 ounces, NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight is Barnes & Noble’s lightest NOOK ever and 5 percent lighter than the highly acclaimed NOOK Simple Touch. The device’s ergonomic soft-touch design makes it super comfortable to hold in just one hand – perfect for staying up all night in bed with a can’t-put-it-down novel, or for carrying everywhere. Customers can also personalize their devices with an exclusive array of stylish and protective accessories.

Barnes & Noble’s Award-Winning Reading Experience
NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight brings first-to-the-world lighting innovation to Barnes & Noble’s award-winning Reader and reading experience. The most-advanced and fastest E Ink display and revolutionary built-in screen protector offer paper-like reading with no glare, even in bright sun, and lightning-fast page turns. The company’s exclusive Best-Text™ technology with adjustable fonts optimizes each letter, so words are crisp and clear.

It’s easy to navigate, shop and read with just the touch of a finger on NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight’s 6-inch touchscreen. Touch to turn pages, look up words, highlight passages, read your way by adjusting the font size and style and more. Shop the world’s largest digital bookstore of more than 2.5 million books, magazines and newspapers and enjoy helpful recommendations from Barnes & Noble’s book experts, personalized based on favorite authors, as well as those from friends to decide what to read next. Plus, borrow digital books from public libraries.

NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight holds more than 1,000 books, plus it has expandable memory. It’s easy to keep reading on the go with long-lasting battery life: on a single charge with Wi-Fi® off, read for over one month with GlowLight on and over two months with it off.

At the amazingly low price of $139, NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight offers an award-winning reading experience, including a power adapter and built-in anti-glare screen protector at no additional cost, unlike Kindle. NOOK Simple Touch with GlowLight can be pre-ordered at and in Barnes & Noble stores. The newest NOOK is expected to be in stores and in homes starting in early May, in time for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations and summer reading. Experience NOOK products at or at the NOOK Digital Shops™ and displays in one of Barnes & Noble’s nearly 700 bookstores and other leading retailers. Barnes & Noble offers Always Free NOOK Support in all of its neighborhood bookstores, with more than 40,000 NOOKsellers across the country ready to assist customers with setting up their NOOK devices or choosing their next great read.

About Barnes & Noble, Inc.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE:BKS), the world’s largest bookseller and a Fortune 500 company, operates 691 bookstores in 50 states. Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, also operates 641 college bookstores serving over 4.6 million students and faculty members at colleges and universities across the United States. Barnes & Noble conducts its online business through (, one of the Web’s largest e-commerce sites, which also features more than two million titles in its NOOK Bookstore™ ( Through Barnes & Noble’s NOOK™ eReading product offering, customers can buy and read digital books and content on the widest range of platforms, including NOOK devices, partner company products, and the most popular mobile and computing devices using free NOOK software. Barnes & Noble is proud to be named a J.D. Power and Associated 2012 Customer Service Champion and is only one of 50 U.S. companies so named.

General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be obtained via the Internet by visiting the company’s corporate website:

NOOK®, NOOK Tablet™, NOOK Simple Touch ™, NOOK Color™, Reader’s Tablet™, Best-Text™, NOOK Store™, NOOK Bookstore™, NOOK Magazines™, VividView™, NOOK Newspapers™, FREE NOOK Reading Apps™, NOOK Kids™, NOOK Digital Shop™, Read In Store™, More In Store™, LendMe®, NOOK Library™, NOOK Books en español™, NOOK Study™, Lifetime Library™ and Read What You Love. Anywhere You Like™ are trademarks of Barnes & Noble, Inc. Other trademarks referenced in this release are the property of their respective owners. [/showhide]

Editor-in-chief |

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.