The latest E-Reader news has the Kobo e-reader having a ton of problems.
Many people who read ePub books on the Kobo are getting Font Size issues, where the font is so small it makes reading practically impossible. Sure the pre-loaded books look fine, but if you download books from any other site, forget easily loading them on your Kobo.
Many users are complaining about all the software and hoops they have to jump through to load different books on their e-reader, especially if you do not buy them from Kobo. Not only do you have to download Kobo’s bug-ridden software platform, but you also need to install Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Digital Editions.
Kobo has verified that these problems exist and estimate around two months until they can release a firmware update in order to fix this. Although Kobo blames Adobe for the problems with books purchased with DRM from other sites.
There are also other problems such as organizing your library with books you download from other sources, contributing to an ill-managed organization of your ebooks.
Although solutions exist to increase the font size in the ePub format the Kobo e-reader uses to display the books, they are not user friendly.
One solution you may employ is increasing the font size using a program called Calibre.
First of all, you can download a program called Calibre. Once you have downloaded Calibre you can click on ‘add books’ select the ePub book you want to increase the font size of and click ok. Then once you see your book listed, right click on it, and select Convert Ebook Individually. Select the option that says ‘Look and Feel’ and increase your font size, then press OK. Your e-Book will now convert, when it is done, right click on the book again and click on ‘save to disk’ take this file and load it onto your Kobo e-reader.
Another problem that people encounter on their Kobo E-Reader is to remove books from the “I’m Reading” Section. If you want to remove that book, you have to sign into the Kobo Desktop Application and remove the book from the reading list there.
Now, Allot of people are saying they are fed up with their Kobo are returning it to the Stores in droves, but before you do that, check out the Video Poker Easter Egg that is on your unit. If you want to access it, you can press menu – select help – press menu – select help again and now you have a Video Poker game.
The Kobo E-Reader is now available for sale in Canada off of the Indigo Website, as well as stores. It is also available for Pre-Order in the USA, and will be in Australia and New Zealand at the end of June.
When you buy E-Readers, or anything else, you pay for what you get. Kobo may be a sound entry level gadget at an alluring $149.00 , but there are other options.
UPDATE: We have a file on our Forum now that will re-convert your EPUB Files, and allow you to adjust the fonts in the kobo Display Menu!! No More SMALL FONTS!!
Click on the link below to download from our forums
If you would like Kobo E-Reader Support, or to talk with other people on other fixes and solutions check out our Good E-Reader Forum
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.