I produce a daily Twitter stream of ebook/epublishing news @paulkbiba. From that stream I’ve chosen what I think are the most important news posts of the week. Here they are in a weekly roundup:
Txtr Launches eBook Store in Denmark http://bit.ly/TxZTc6
“An American Editor” Comes to Good e-Reader http://bit.ly/TxZuXb
Tablet Use, ebook Sales Grow Beyond Amazon, Nook http://bit.ly/S2iVG6
Megaupload Shutdown: Negative Effect on Box Office Revenues http://tnw.co/TejD1A
Publetariat Omnibus Now Available: The Best of the First Four Years | http://www.publetariat.com http://bit.ly/UmbSdz
How Kindle Affects Foreign eBook Markets http://bit.ly/QjhkgJ
My article about “Marie Lebert – eBook Historian and Researcher” http://bit.ly/Yjcoff
John Palfrey on Building a Digital Public Library of America – The Digital Shift http://ow.ly/fAIjh
NSR Post: eBooks on EBSCOhost now downloadable from mobile site http://bit.ly/Tofhpb
ALA Chapters Issue Joint Statement Protesting eBook Pricing and Terms http://bit.ly/U0Vzyi
Mark Your Calendars: Digital Public Library of America Will Hold Launch Event on April 18-19, 2013 in Boston http://bit.ly/U0W6Af
Publishers Brace for Authors to Reclaim Book Rights in 2013 http://dlvr.it/2Y1cv8
Amazon Publishing Reaches into Europe http://bit.ly/10YDQhW
First Public Beta Version of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) Now Live http://bit.ly/Ts1Nc7
Amazon Adds $1.5 Million to Kindle Direct Publishing Fund http://bit.ly/UuevKo