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E INK Spectra 6 Photo Frame is on Kickstarter

Plenty of DIY enthusiasts craft their own E-INK photo frames with old e-readers or repurposed Android ones. However, there are not many commercially viable ones that the average person can purchase. This has all changed with the advent of the Refection Frame on Kickstarter. During the early bird price promotion, it is available for $249. It is set to ship out this April, so there isn't much of a wait.

The Reflection Frame features E INK Spectra 6 color e-paper technology. It is 13.3 inches in size and has a resolution of 1600×1200. Its sunken screen and bezel design do not include glass, ensuring all displayed images are bright and vibrant. The frame runs the ESP32 system on a chip processor with integrated Wi-Fi 6, dual-mode Bluetooth 5.0, and NFC. It is powered by a 5,000 mAh battery, so its battery life will quickly be around one year.

One of Reflection Frame's most groundbreaking features is its unique “Tap-to-Print” technology. Forget about complicated setups with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cloud services; Reflection Frame makes sharing photos as simple as tapping your phone. Open the Reflection Frame App, choose your picture, and tap your phone to the frame. Within seconds, your photo appears on the display without internet connectivity or complex setup procedures.

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