Kobo hardly ever discounts their entire line of e-readers, but they are running sales on every single model. This is the perfect time to pick up the Forma or Libra H2O. Each of these have a bookstore that can be used to purchase ebooks, manga and a slew of other content. You can borrow from a supported Overdrive library, browse and checkout the books, right on the Kobo.

In the United States, the Kobo Forma regular price is $249 for the 8GB model and the sale price is $219. The 32GB model is regularly $299, but can be yours for $249.The Kobo Libra is available in black or white, the everyday price is $169, but is now on sale for $149, a  really good deal. This is their mid-level tier, on par with the Paperwhite. The Kobo Clara HD used to be their entry level e-reader, until the Nia came along earlier this year, although the Nia has not received a discount, it is only $99. The Clara is normally $119, but is on sale for Black Friday to Cyber Monday for $99.  These same deals are available online on Walmart’s website too, but it doesn’t technically say they are on sale.

Meanwhile, in Canada Kobo e-readers are more expensive. The Forma 8GB is usually $299, but it on sale for $269 and the 32GB model is $349, the sale price is $319. The Libra is also pricey, $199 for the everyday price and $169 for Black Friday.  The only other model on sale is the Clara HD, the normal price is $149, sale price is $119.  Chapters Indigo, the largest bookstore in Canada is also matching the deals, online and in-store.

Editor-in-chief | michael@goodereader.com

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.