Otaku USA Magazine, best known among anime fans as being a reliable source for all things anime and manga related, have just released The Very Best Anime Guide!: a free e-book containing, as the title suggests, a guide to the best of anime.
As the world could pass through nuclear fallout and fans still wouldn’t be able to agree on the best anime of all, the e-book instead gathers various thoughts and opinions on contributors’ personal favorite. With over 27 members of Otaku USA’s staff giving their input, readers can rest assured the list is well-rounded. The guide goes further, including stills, art, reviews, and several Top 5 lists. These include both the old and the new, both series and films. Contributors include Editor-in-Chief Patrick Macias and website editor Joseph Luster, so the opinions are well-researched and come from a very high source.
The e-book is a must-read for all anime fans. Whether you’ve been watching for years or just started a month ago, this is a guide to help navigate through list upon list of anime. It is an excellent way to find that next great series, or reaffirm old favorites. Better yet, use this as an opportunity to try and figure out what you consider to be the greatest anime of all time. It’s harder than it looks.
The Very Best Anime Guide! is available for free download on Otaku USA’s website. Put it on your laptop, tablet, smartphone, and read away. Dive into waters you’ve not yet swum. This book is a good primer if you haven’t watched much anime before or are looking for the next great series.