Huawei today launched its first smartwatch offering at the MWC event. Named TalkBand B1, the device is more of a wrist band than a watch though that does not decrease its appeal any bit. Rather, the thin vertical profile does makes for a refreshing change in the fast emerging smartwatch me toos. The device comes with a 1.4 inch flexible OLED display but does not support touch gestures. What this means is that the smartwatch has to be magaed with the device it is paired with, which can be a smartphone or a tablet. Huawei stated it is compatible with Android devices running version 2.3 and higher as well as iOS running at least version 5.0.
Huawei also stated a unique aspect of the TalkBand B1 is that it can be ripped off the band and used to make phone calls, in which case it will also function as a removable Bluetooth earpiece. The smart wearable is waterproof too. It can pair up with other device via NFC or Bluetooth 4.1. Coming to its power characteristics, Huawei is claiming 6 days of runtimes, which no doubt is pretty decent from its 90mAh power source. The device also offers 6 hours of talktime and up to 2 weeks of standby time. Further, that band itself functions as a USB connector and can be used to charge the device in about 2 hours.
So far as the TalkBand’s fitness tracking features are concerned, the wearable is designed to keep track of the number of steps taken, the miles covered on a day and estimate calories burned from these data. What’s more, Huawei is also claiming that the TalkBand is also capable of tracking movements during sleep and judge the quality of sleep in the process. Clearly, Huawei would like users to have the smartband on them at al times, except during the charging process of course.
As for its price, there seems some confusion here though cnet is claiming it to be priced 99 euros, which comes to about $136. Other sources maintained, its slated for a launch in China, Russia, the Middle East, Japan, Latin America along with some European countries in March 2014.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.