Tablet buyers in India never had it so good. Asus has also announced they are bringing the price of their Transformer tablet down to Rs. 29,622, the price being inclusive of the keypad dock. The same commanded a price tag of around Rs. 33,000 earlier. The trend of price cuts started with Motorola slashing the price of the XOOM base version to about 30,000.
Everything else remains the same, though the company hasn’t stated the motive behind the price cut. One reason is to ensure the Transformer is at par with the XOOM price, though that price is only for the 16 GB Wi-Fi version. In comparison, the XOOM comes with 32 GB of on board storage. Another reason may be that this is being done to make way for the next gen Transformer 2, which should be announced soon.
We have seen the Transformer price cut to $350 earlier in the international market.
via androidos
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