Canadians can take some solace in the fact that HP has decided to discontinue its entire PC operations. Starting today until August 22nd 2011 you can get a 16GB HP TouchPad for only $99 and the 32 GB version for $150!
HP shareholders might be running away from the company, but residents in Canada are flocking TO the stores! Both BestBuy and Futureshop both had the tablets on sale today and all locations were sold out in a matter of hours! Going to the store and taking your chances is the only way because both companies are not taking online orders.
The webOS based tablet has seen plenty of price cuts since its initial launch. The fact it came down from $500 all the way to $99 in such a short period of time is industry record setting. This shows you how competitive the tablet market really is and how Apple has a stranglehold on the entire industry.
If you can find the WIFI only TouchPad for $99 I would recommend buying it! If all you do is internet browsing, Facebook, Twitter, and Flash based browsing, pull the trigger!
Update: The Source is now offering the TouchPad for $99.99 for the 16 GB version, sold out everywhere though. They said new shipments are coming all weekend long.
Update 2: Staples is now offering the Touchpad as well for $99 for the 16GB and $149.99 for the 32 GB. No online orders
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.