Despite reports of tablet sales reaching a plateau, a report tabled by NPD Display Search claims demand for tablet devices is expected to scale new heights in the coming years. The report, titled "NPD DisplaySearch Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report," claims there will be 315 million tablet devices sold in 2014, while the figure is projected to rise to 455 million … [Read more...] about Tablet Sales Trend Discussed, Phablets Emerge Strong Player
Poketab Tablet Featuring 6 Inch Display Launched in Japan
Of all the tablet sizes, the 7 inch category has seen the most launches, but that does not mean companies aren't experimenting with other sizes. A Japanese company Poketab has come up with a tablet that sports a 6 inch display. This is interesting, seeing as anything below the 7 inch size has so far been considered to be too small to be considered a proper tablet device. The … [Read more...] about Poketab Tablet Featuring 6 Inch Display Launched in Japan
Kindle Fire 7 HD App Emulator Released
Amazon has just made the life of app develops a bit easy by announcing an app emulator that emulates its recently released 7 inch Kindle Fire HD. What this means is that developers will now be able to test their apps for the 7 inch version of the new Kindle Fire HD to ensure everything is working just the way it should. This without the developer having to procure the Kindle … [Read more...] about Kindle Fire 7 HD App Emulator Released
Phablets – Where Smartphones and Tablets Meet
Mobile devices with a 5 inch sized display presents a strange scenario. This, since we are not sure if we should perceive it as a smartphone with some added functionality of a tablet or the other way round, that is a tablet that can also be a smartphone. However, a recently coined term -- 'Phablet' comes to our rescue which correctly describes a device that can be both a … [Read more...] about Phablets – Where Smartphones and Tablets Meet
Asus Eee Pad Memo Clears FCC
The Eee Pad Memo me370t has been of considerable interest among consumers and much of it had to do with its initial price of $250. Of course, that doesn't mean the tablet is without its set of virtues and the prime among them is its Tegra 3 heart. The 7 inch tablet was showcased in prototype form during CES 2012 and at Computex 2011. The specs that have been revealed include 1 … [Read more...] about Asus Eee Pad Memo Clears FCC
Google 7 Inch Tablet Coming June
It is very well known that Google is in the process of developing a 7 inch tablet. Various rumors, as well as speculation from industry experts, predicted the tablet will be launched during the summer of 2012. We are arriving in that period and Digitimes is back with the latest developments. The report states that Google is developing their new device in direct collaboration … [Read more...] about Google 7 Inch Tablet Coming June
7 Inch ZTE Tablet with Tegra 3 and Android ICS Debuts at CES
Chinese device maker ZTE has been harping about a US entry for quite some time now, though it has not met with much success so far. However, this time they are armed with a new 7 inch tablet which boasts of a sleek design and could be the tablet to mark the company's entry into what is considered the biggest tablet market in the world. The model on display by NVIDIA runs on … [Read more...] about 7 Inch ZTE Tablet with Tegra 3 and Android ICS Debuts at CES
Sol Computer to launch 7 inch Android and Windows tablets with Pixel Qi displays
Sol is adding some more variety to its line of tablets this year. These would however be of 7 inch sizes with one running on Android and the other on Windows. For those who have come in late, the company already has a 10 inch netbook and tablet in the market, both of which are windows based. These devices have the added specialty that they have Pixel Qi displays which make them … [Read more...] about Sol Computer to launch 7 inch Android and Windows tablets with Pixel Qi displays
Toshiba to Introduce 10.1 Inch and Budget 7 Inch Tablet at CES
Here is some more pre-CES news! Toshiba might also have a contender for the likes of the Kindle Fire, Nook Tablet, or the Kobo Vox in the form of a new 7 inch device that it intends to launch during CES. However, if that is the case, the Japanese company will have to ensure it plays its price card well enough, similar to what Amazon, B&N, or Kobo have done with their tablet … [Read more...] about Toshiba to Introduce 10.1 Inch and Budget 7 Inch Tablet at CES
Asus preparing a 7 inch tablet for CES, could be the long lost MeMo
Eee Pad MeMo was a tablet that ASUS had come out with quite some time ago though unfortunately, none of it ever made it to the hands of consumers so far. It was a 7 inch tablet device and the first of its type from ASUS. One year down the line there is news of ASUS coming out with another 7 inch tablet which would be running on Android. Whether this would be a brand new design … [Read more...] about Asus preparing a 7 inch tablet for CES, could be the long lost MeMo