As library ebook lending for both academic and public institutions continues to make steady progress, libraries are finally able to "shop" the competition to provide the best user experience for their patrons, the largest catalogs of bestselling titles, and investigate the available features of different platforms. With different choices and different publishers participating … [Read more...] about App Ratings Show Readers Prefer OverDrive for eBook Lending
app store
Freemium Apps Prove Beneficial For Google, Apple App Stores
A new report by app analysis firm Distimo has brought an interesting revelation, that freemium apps are far more popular than anything else. Freemium apps are those that are available free, though users are required to pay to enjoy advanced services or features. It appears that is how users tend to spend, with an overwhelming 98 percent of revenue in the Google Play Store … [Read more...] about Freemium Apps Prove Beneficial For Google, Apple App Stores
Good e-Reader Android App Store Updated – New Home Screen
Today, Good e-Reader is proud to introduce the latest update to our seminal Android App Store. We currently have over 350,000 loyal heroes who use it on a daily basis and we have a special treat for old and new users alike: a new home screen. The brand new Good e-Reader Home Screen is a huge update and brings a host of new features to our existing store. The first thing … [Read more...] about Good e-Reader Android App Store Updated – New Home Screen
Microsoft Launches Office App For Android
Microsoft has released a new app that will introduce its Office suite to Android. The app can be downloaded free from the Google Play Store, though the catch lies elsewhere. The app can only be accesses by those who have subscribed to Microsoft’s Office 365 Home Premium and ProPlus services. Also, the app will only be of relevance to smartphones users as the same is yet to be … [Read more...] about Microsoft Launches Office App For Android
App Store Revenue: Google Play Store Registers Steady Growth, Though Apple App Store Still Dominating
Gadget sales only make a company money once, and that's if the devices aren't sold at cost, but the app stores account for a sustained source of steady income. That is how things stand for the biggies in the business, with Apple raking in $1.48 billion from sales via its App Store during the first quarter of the year. That accounts for a dominating 74 percent of the $2.2 … [Read more...] about App Store Revenue: Google Play Store Registers Steady Growth, Though Apple App Store Still Dominating
Adobe Releases Key Data on How Consumers Shop On The Go
While Adobe's InDesign platform has made it possible to create full-color, high-resolution digital editions of some of the most popular and well-known magazines on the market, the DPS team also uses the platform to help retailers bring the same standard to their sales catalogs. In order to help retailers feel confident in the effectiveness of their digital catalogs, Adobe spent … [Read more...] about Adobe Releases Key Data on How Consumers Shop On The Go
Good e-Reader App Store Updated
We have issued the first major update to the Good e-Reader Android App Store client since August! This new fix solves many of the crashing issues that were plaguing the old system. Now when you visit all of our app categories, 25 of the most popular and rated editions will be displayed first, instead of thousands of them on a singular page. If you want to peruse even more apps … [Read more...] about Good e-Reader App Store Updated
Good e-Reader Android App Store Now Supporting Paid Downloads
The Good e-Reader Android and Playbook App Store is pleased to welcome the new addition of paid applications and games. Starting today we have unveiled our new Payment Gateway that will allow customers to purchase enhanced ebooks and other paid content. Our Android and Playbook App market, since its launch in January, has just attained over 2.5 million downloads and over six … [Read more...] about Good e-Reader Android App Store Now Supporting Paid Downloads
Lenovo Launches Android Enterprise App Store
A prime prerequisite for a tablet device to succeed is the presence of a viable app store to get content on the device. The ability to get new apps and games can make or break a tablet's positioning in the market. After all, what use is a tablet with great hardware specifications if you can't do anything with it. Case in point, the Google Play Market and Apple App Store make … [Read more...] about Lenovo Launches Android Enterprise App Store
First Look at the Good e-Reader Android App
The Good e-Reader Android App Store was first unveiled a few weeks ago when we rolled out our web version tailored to e-readers and tablets. Since then we have amassed a collection of almost 200 apps that are basically our top picks of the very best. We are diligently working on an actual Android App that will be your portal to downloading apps directly to your Kobo Vox, Kindle … [Read more...] about First Look at the Good e-Reader Android App