This week many highly anticipated books are being released! Sandra Brown and Stuart Woods fans are rewarded with new novels by both! It is well into back to school season and the weather, at least in Canada, is getting colder again. Time to curl up with a good book on a rainy night and get back into the swing of things since summer is officially over. Reamde by Neal … [Read more...] about New eBooks Releases for the Last Two Weeks of September
Good e-Reader eBook of the Week starts Tuesday
Good e-Reader is proud to offer the new eBook of the Week feature to our website! Every week we will be giving away an eBook for free or heavily discounted! We will be promoting authors from a myriad of genres and these books will be solid for readers of a wide audience! Not only will you get a chance to get a free book but you will get a chance to listen to the author speak … [Read more...] about Good e-Reader eBook of the Week starts Tuesday
Google and La Martiniere Reach eBook Agreement
Today Google and French Publisher La Martiniere ended their five year legal battle. It originated when Google wanted to scan the books as part of its Google Books campaign, where it sought to scan all the books in existence. The French publisher then filed official charges in 2008 for $400,000 in damages and $10,000 each day the books were in the Google Books database. The two … [Read more...] about Google and La Martiniere Reach eBook Agreement
Indie Book Collective Releases Its Definitive Guide
Rachel Thompson, Carolyn McCray, and Amber Scott, arguably three authors who bring vastly different publishing perspectives to the table, have released their Indie Book Collective’s bible of independent publishing, Dollars and Sense: The Definitive Guide to Self-Publishing. The Guide will be the IBC’s Bestseller for a Day feature on Wednesday, June 29th; for one day, the price … [Read more...] about Indie Book Collective Releases Its Definitive Guide
New eBook Releases for May 2011
May is the month where Spring really takes on it's fine form and you might find yourself more outdoors then normal. What is the great outdoors, and nature without a great new book? May kicks off a month where many new reads are being released and we have the inside scoop at Good e-Reader where you can find the latest essential reads. 10th Anniversary by James Patterson - … [Read more...] about New eBook Releases for May 2011
New eBook lending site “eBook Fling” for Nook and Kindle e-Readers
We are quite happy with the rise of eBook lending sites, that help facilitate the love of reading from users who have never met each other before. A new entrant to the emerging realm of eBook lending services "Fling" has just opened for business and it allows eBooks that have the lending feature, such as the Barnes and Noble Nook "Lendme" feature and the Amazon … [Read more...] about New eBook lending site “eBook Fling” for Nook and Kindle e-Readers
Are ebooks heralding the end of ownership?
Ebooks are changing the way we view book ownership. The technology behind them leaves one with the feeling that they merely borrowing the books rather than truly owning it themselves. You are not allowed to resell any ebook you purchase, you can barely lend it out and you need specific instructions dictated to you on how you can use it for you own purposes. Tim Spalding, … [Read more...] about Are ebooks heralding the end of ownership?
New York Times to debut ebook Bestseller list for 2011
In early 2011 the New York Times which is well known for their hard cover and paper back best sellers list, will move into the ebook realm. The New York Times will cover both Fiction and Non-Fiction ebooks, and their list will be evident in both the printed and online editions. Their selection for ebooks will be overseen by thrid party company named RoalityShare. If you … [Read more...] about New York Times to debut ebook Bestseller list for 2011
Amazon eBooks outselling Tangible books 2:1
Amazon released a press release today that gave some evidence that it is selling way more electronic versions of books then they are the hardbound cousins. Today we were informed that during the past 30 days, Amazon customers purchased more Kindle books than print books--hardcover and paperback combined--for the top 10, 25, 100, and 1,000 bestselling books. Also, in the … [Read more...] about Amazon eBooks outselling Tangible books 2:1
Barnes and Noble Nook to be sold at Best Buy
The latest E-Reader News has Best Buy announcing today that they will now be carrying the Barnes and Noble Nook Starting April 18th at 1,070 different stores across North America. This new deal with Best Buy stores will increase the Nook's availability and ability to compete with the recently launched Apple iPad, a portable computing and entertainment system that also … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook to be sold at Best Buy