In the vanity press business, there are a few honorable exceptions to the belief that it's fraught with peril; for far too many authors, though, the experience mirrors that of the authors who filed more than 800 complaints against Tate Publishing and Music. Tate Publishing closed its doors some time ago amid economic woes and vocal outcry on social media from their victims, but … [Read more...] about Tate Publishing Execs Arrested for Fraud, Extortion
Amazon, DPLA Finally Join Forces on Library Lending
It's been a long time in the making, but Amazon Publishing finally has some big news to share: the traditional arm of Amazon's company will work with Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) to put its 10,000-plus titles in libraries. Previously, Amazon Publishing has not offered ebook lending through public libraries, unlike many traditional publishers--albeit publishers who … [Read more...] about Amazon, DPLA Finally Join Forces on Library Lending
Audiobook Scams Highlight the Issues in Self-Publishing
From the earliest days of self-publishing, scammers have been looking to make a buck. From paid review scams to enticing followers to download books simply for the pages views, there's no end to the ways people have taken advantage of these opportunities in a negative way. Every time a platform offers a new feature, someone figures out how to game the system, leaving … [Read more...] about Audiobook Scams Highlight the Issues in Self-Publishing
Is Digital Publishing Overlooking their Biggest Consumer?
Everywhere you look on social media, it seems like it's Gen Z versus Millennials versus Boomers (Gen X is sitting this one out, giving everyone the side-eye). But one thing recent events have taught us is that the stereotypes that have been assigned to these different age demographics are typically wrong... and that these preconceived notions might be most inaccurate when it … [Read more...] about Is Digital Publishing Overlooking their Biggest Consumer?
Are COVID Digital Lending Terms the New Normal?
As the entire world adjusts to "the new normal" of the COVID-19 global pandemic, more and more people are starting to take a look at what worked and what didn't in terms of adjusting to everyday life. A number of companies and businesses are looking at things like employee productivity and absenteeism in light of work-from-home accommodations. Schools around the world are … [Read more...] about Are COVID Digital Lending Terms the New Normal?
Big Changes that May Save Barnes and Noble
Everyone is talking about Barnes and Noble CEO James Daunt's keynote address to the Independent Book Publishers Association annual event recently. This important talk offered a lot of insight into crucial changes at the brick-and-mortar locations (especially as to how the company is bouncing back from a global pandemic), from mundane changes like new furniture to major … [Read more...] about Big Changes that May Save Barnes and Noble
Book Buying Habits Really Aren’t Changing… That Much
As the publishing industry changes and adapts to new circumstances, the book-selling industry must adapt as well. Changes in formats, rising popularity of different genres and crossovers, and even worldwide pandemics that spark global lockdowns have all had an impact on how consumers buy and utilize books in the last few years. Fortunately, there are ways to understand book … [Read more...] about Book Buying Habits Really Aren’t Changing… That Much
Should You Start an Author Podcast?
Podcasts are nothing new, but it may have taken a devastating global pandemic to breathe some new life into the medium. While a number of widely-consumed podcasts have been around for years, the need for new content and new ways to enjoy it have brought about a new wave of podcast popularity. First, some numbers. This article from Passive Voice highlights the findings of the … [Read more...] about Should You Start an Author Podcast?
KDP Change Means No More MOBI Files
Uploading self-published or small press titles to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform has made a tremendous difference in the industry for authors and publishers alike. This somewhat user-friendly system means practically anyone can publish a book to the company's platform and sell their titles directly to readers on Amazon. For years, Amazon has had specific formats … [Read more...] about KDP Change Means No More MOBI Files