The Sony Digital Paper 13.3 inch e-reader has been taking the business world by storm, with law, entertainment and tech companies embracing the whole replacement for paper concept. If someone wanted to purchase the $1,100 device they had to buy it from one of three strategic partners, and they were chronically sold out. Sony realized they had a potential hit on their hands … [Read more...] about Sony Now Selling the Digital Paper DPT-S1 Online
digital papers
Sony Begins Selling 13.3 Inch Digital Paper e-Reader Directly
Today Sony has begun to sell the DPT-S1 Digital Paper e-reader directly in the US. It is retailing for $1100, which is more cost effective than a few of their official distribution partners. The only catch, is that they don't want to sell them to the average consumer. Sony currently does not have any infrastructure to support the Digital Paper via phone, email or the … [Read more...] about Sony Begins Selling 13.3 Inch Digital Paper e-Reader Directly