Long before the first printed books, there were creative individuals who invented clever ways to keep records and tell stories so that future generations would remember and know what life was like during their lifetime. It all started around 3500 BCE with the Mesopotamians, who created clay tablets using a tool called the calamus to make cuneiform markings. These markings … [Read more...] about From Clay tablets to E-Readers: The Evolution of Book Innovation
ebook history
A brief history of eBooks
When you used to think of an ebook, you envisioned an eBook as an electronic version of a printed book available to view on a PC, Smart-Phone, E-Reader and other platforms. While that still remains true, you have a new breed of writers that are exclusively writing ebooks instead of tradition print media. For one big reason they do this, is writing an ebook costs nothing but … [Read more...] about A brief history of eBooks