Huawei today launched its first smartwatch offering at the MWC event. Named TalkBand B1, the device is more of a wrist band than a watch though that does not decrease its appeal any bit. Rather, the thin vertical profile does makes for a refreshing change in the fast emerging smartwatch me toos. The device comes with a 1.4 inch flexible OLED display but does not support touch … [Read more...] about Huawei Unveils TalkBand B1 Smartwatch/Fitness Tracker
Top Tablet News – November 28th, 2012
Google releases Android 4.2.1 update for Nexus devices There is a tiny tiny update that Google is pushing out right now. Christened Android 4.2.1, the update is just about a megabyte and does not bring about any new groundbreaking material. Rather, the update is aimed at rectifying the December bug issue so that those using the People App will now get to see the month of … [Read more...] about Top Tablet News – November 28th, 2012
Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite Set For European Debut In October For 249 Euros
Tablet buyers in Europe will have one more option in the form of the Huawei MediaPad 7 from October. Price has been fixed at 249 Euro which comes to around USD 312. That sure is a bit steep after we have been pampered by the $199 Kindle Fire and now the Nexus 7 though the MediaPad offers a better feature set. The MediaPad 7 is powered by a 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex A8 processor … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite Set For European Debut In October For 249 Euros
Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite Revealed
Huawei has announced a new 7 inch tablet named MediaPad 7 Lite. The company has been maintaining quite a low profile, but now the company seems all set to take the limelight. The tablet is 3G capable and features a 1280 x 800 pixel 7 inch display. The rest of the tablet's specs are not revealed, though the device features a metallic body with a camera built into the tablet's … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite Revealed
Huawei MediaPad 10 Image Leaked
The Mobile World Congress is still a few days away, though early images of Huawei's MediaPad 10 have already made it online. It is expected to be unveiled on the 26th of Feb, and here is what to expect on that day at the MCW event in Barcelona. The tablet will be slim and thin with stereo speakers clearly visible in one of the images. Also, the choice material for MediaPAd … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad 10 Image Leaked
Huawei Launches New Color Options for the MediaPad, Android 4.0 Update to Come Q1 2012
Next version of the MediaPad from Huawei with Android Ice Cream Sandwich pre-loaded is going to be available in select markets by this quarter. Present owners of the MediaPad need not despair as the company has announced availability of the update OTA for all existing users at around the same time. The MediaPad is available in the US as the T-Mobile Springboard and the Orange … [Read more...] about Huawei Launches New Color Options for the MediaPad, Android 4.0 Update to Come Q1 2012
Huawei MediaPad makes it to the UK as the Orange Tahiti
The Huawei MediaPad is going places though with a different name each time. Like its Orange Tahiti that is the name by which the 7 inch tablet would be available for people in the UK. Orange UK is offering the Huawei tablet for £70 down payment with an additional £25 every month which would continue for two years. Hardware specifications of the Tahiti read as follows: a 5 … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad makes it to the UK as the Orange Tahiti
ICS Update for Huawei MediaPad in Development
Huawei has yet to acknowledge these rumors, though this isn't completely unexpected. An image of the MediaPad running Android 4.0.1 ICS has emerged on the internet, giving the clearest sign so far of Huawei's efforts towards ensuring the MediaPad also has the latest as far as its OS is concerned. The MediaPad always had the hardware specifications for Android Ice Cream, which … [Read more...] about ICS Update for Huawei MediaPad in Development
T-Mobile SpringBoard Review Roundup
The SpringBoard has a number of firsts to its credit. It is the first tablet to reach the US and Canadian markets boasting of LTE functionality. The SpringBoard is also the first to feature Android 3.2, though at that point we knew of it as the Huawei MediaPad before T-Mobile re-branded the same as the SpringBoard for sale in North America. These apart, the SpringBoard comes … [Read more...] about T-Mobile SpringBoard Review Roundup
MediaTab launched in India for INR 28,359
Tablet buyers in India now have one more option in the form of the MediaPad from the Chinese manufacturer Huawei. The tablet runs on Android 3.2 Honeycomb and has been priced at INR 28,359. However, exact launch date of the 7 inch tablet is not yet known but it would have 3G connectivity right from the start. Other features of the tablet include a 1.2 GHz Qualcomm dual core … [Read more...] about MediaTab launched in India for INR 28,359
T-Mobile sets Galaxy Tab 10.1, Springboard launch dates
The Springboard will be there for the taking from the 9th of November, revealed T-Mobile. However, while that takes care of one aspect of the 7 inch tablet's launch story, the other aspect, and an important one at that, the price is yet anybody's guess. Rumor mills though are pegging the price at around the $200 mark which, if it turns out to be true won't be a bad thing. … [Read more...] about T-Mobile sets Galaxy Tab 10.1, Springboard launch dates
Huawei MediaPad Gets Past FCC
The Huawei MediaPad is past the FCC and this should be good news to those who have been longing for the Huawei device. With a 7 1280 x 800 pixel inch display and a 1.2 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual core processor, the Android Honeycomb running tablet is being claimed as the best tablet so far to grace the Huawei tablet line up. Powering the tablet will be a 15.2 Whr, 4100mAh … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad Gets Past FCC
T-Mobile Readying a Troika of 4G Tablets
T-Mobile has been in the news recently when it came to be associated with the Huawei MediaPad, which it launching in the US soon. It has now become evident the carrier won't stop at the MediaPad alone. If a recent T-Mobile product roadmap that got leaked is to be believed, there are at least two other tablet PCs that are being readied for a launch sometime soon. The Samsung … [Read more...] about T-Mobile Readying a Troika of 4G Tablets
Huawei MediaPad to be offered in the US by T-Mobile
Huawei had made headline this summer when it launched the MediaPad tablet PC which it describes as the best and finest piece of tablet hardware to come out of its gates. Now it seems the 7 inch MediaPad is all set to woo American tablet buyers with T-Mobile as the carrier partner. However, neither Huawei nor T-Mobile is making any official noises about it and all of this is … [Read more...] about Huawei MediaPad to be offered in the US by T-Mobile