Kobo recently released its second iteration Android Tablet, called the Arc. This was designed primarily to be a dedicated e-reader to give you a full color experience. This is tremendously useful when it comes to reading magazines, newspapers, cookbooks, kid’s books, and other content that is best displayed in full color. The Arc brings new features to the table that makes us … [Read more...] about Kobo Arc Review
kobo arc review
Hands on Review of the Kobo Arc
The Kobo Arc is the latest generation tablet and a direct successor of the Kobo Vox. This new device has been revised from the ground up to give you the best reading experience on a full color display. Many companies simply release vanilla tablets and try and sell you on email, facebook, and an internet browser. Kobo has gone the route of Barnes and Noble and Amazon to give you … [Read more...] about Hands on Review of the Kobo Arc