Kobo and Barnes and Noble both have new six inch e-readers that will be vying for you attention this holiday season. These devices feature illumination technology that have been refined over the course of a few generations for each company. Today we compare the Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight and the six inch Kobo Aura. The big difference between these two e-readers is the … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura vs Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight
kobo aura
Kobo Aura vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2
Amazon and Kobo have some of the deepest digital ecosystems in the world and have millions of books, magazines, newspapers, graphic novels and manga. The Kindle Paperwhite 2 and Kobo Aura are the best e-readers currently in the world and have raised the bar with their innovative glowlight technology and showcasing the largest generation e-Ink internals. How do these two devices … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2
How to load eBooks on the Kobo Aura
The Kobo Aura six inch e-Reader just saw a wide commercial release in the last few weeks. Many people often wonder how to load eBooks they purchased from other stores or downloaded from the internet onto their new e-Reader. Today, we teach you how to use Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, Dropbox and Windows Explorer. Adobe Digital Editions is the program of choice to load … [Read more...] about How to load eBooks on the Kobo Aura
Video: PDF Reading Experience on the Sony PTS-T3 and Kobo Aura
There was a time when Sony was the undisputed King of the PDF experience on their entire line of electronic readers. During this era the majority of readers did not feature a touchscreen display to pinch and zoom, so we had to make due to advanced settings. Kobo has slowly been making inroads in usurping the crown away from Sony with their PDF rendering technology. Today … [Read more...] about Video: PDF Reading Experience on the Sony PTS-T3 and Kobo Aura
Sony PRS-T3 vs Kobo Aura
Welcome to another exclusive Good e-Reader Video Comparison. Today we take a look at two new e-readers that are not commercially available yet, but will be in the coming weeks. Of course, we are talking about the Sony PRS-T3 and the new six inch Kobo Aura. In the following comparison we focus primarily on the core reading experience. How exactly do these two devices handle … [Read more...] about Sony PRS-T3 vs Kobo Aura
Kobo Aura, Kobo Glo and Kobo Aura HD Triparison
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Comparison Video! Today we compare all of the current generation Kobo e-Readers directly against each other. Conduct a nighttime reading test of the Kobo Glo, Kobo Aura and Kobo Aura HD. This will give you a sense on how the same book looks on all three devices. The Front-lit screens that allow you to read in the dark has undergone constant … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura, Kobo Glo and Kobo Aura HD Triparison
Kobo Aura Nighttime Reading Tests
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Video! The New Kobo Aura e-Reader has a built-in front light that allows you to read in the dark and have control over the luminosity. Being able to properly configure the brightness depending on your environmental conditions allows for more flexibility to get the most out of your Kobo. Today, we compare the Kobo Aura against the Aura HD, Kindle … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura Nighttime Reading Tests
Kobo Aura vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
The new six inch Kobo Aura was recently unveiled at a New York launch party and Good e-Reader was live on the scene. We managed to score the Aura ahead of the late September release and today we are happy to compare it against the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite. Over the course of this video review we look at the key hardware and software differences. Beyond the Book and X-Ray … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
Kobo Aura HD and Kobo Aura Comparison
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Comparison Video. Today we take a look at the Kobo Aura HD and the recently announced Kobo Aura. Obviously they both have the same name and could be a bit confusing on what these devices bring to the table. The essence of this comparison is to dispel the myths and rumors and give you a solid indication on the core differences and put them head … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura HD and Kobo Aura Comparison
Kobo Aura and Kobo Glo Comparison Video
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Comparison Video! Today we take a look at the brand new Kobo Aura, the six inch e-Reader that was unveiled in New York a few days ago. We compare it directly to the flagship Kobo Glo, which has been available since late last year and is the most commonly owned e-readers. Over the course of this video we look at the key differences with hardware … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura and Kobo Glo Comparison Video