Kobo has discontinued their first generation Aura H2O, which is their first generation waterproof e-reader. This device first came out in 2014 and it was the last model that had an SD card to increase the internal storage. Kobo continues to sell the Kobo H2O edition 2, which debuted last year. Kobo only has three e-readers in their current portfolio. The Kobo Aura One, Kobo … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura H2O is Discontinued
kobo h2o
Kobo H2O Edition 2 Now Available in Australia and New Zealand
The Kobo H2O Edition 2 is now available in Australia and New Zealand. The new reader can be purchased at JB HiFi, Myer and Angus & Robertson Bookworld for $239.95. Meanwhile in New Zealand it is a bit more expensive and is retailing for $309. The Kobo Aura Edition 2 features a 6.8-inch E-Ink Carta Display with a resolution of 1430×1080 and 265 PPI. The screen is sunken, … [Read more...] about Kobo H2O Edition 2 Now Available in Australia and New Zealand
Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 Video Review
The Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 is now available for Canadian and US customers to purchase from the main Kobo website and Chapters/Indigo. This is the first e-reader that Kobo has released in 2017 and many people are wondering if it is a good investment. The new Kobo Aura H2O has double the amount of internal storage than the original and also features the brand new … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 Video Review
Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 Unboxing Video
The Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 is the latest generation e-reader and it just came out. This device is waterproof and features superior resolution. It also has the new comfortlight system that has a multitude of RGB lights that inhibit the amount of white/blue light that emits from the LED's on the bottom of the bezel. Good e-Reader is proud to produce one of the first unboxing … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 Unboxing Video
Kobo H2O Edition 2 Review – 2017
Kobo has been developing e-readers since 2010 and the company has just announced the best one yet. The Aura H2O Edition 2 is waterproof, so you will be able to take it to the beach or the bathtub and not have to worry about totally submerging it in water. This is also useful if you are the type of person that often spills coffee or tea all over the place. Hardware The … [Read more...] about Kobo H2O Edition 2 Review – 2017
Kobo Aura One Now Has Wide Availability
Kobo has experienced a massive shortage when it comes to the Aura One e-Reader. When this device was released late last year it has been chronically out of stock on the Kobo website and many of their bookselling partners have been sold out for months. It looks like Kobo has solved their supply chain issue and the e-reader has lost its limited stock designation. The Aura One … [Read more...] about Kobo Aura One Now Has Wide Availability
Kobo Glo HD vs Kobo Aura H2O – Reading in the Dark
The Kobo Glo HD and Kobo Aura H2O are two e-readers that are very modern. They are the latest devices issued by Kobo and have some fairly compelling features. The H2O is waterproof and features a 6.8 inch screen, whereas the Glo HD is out at the end of the month and has the highest resolution and PPI out of any Kobo e-reader to date. Today, we compare these two models and show … [Read more...] about Kobo Glo HD vs Kobo Aura H2O – Reading in the Dark
Kobo H2O e-Reader Gets Pinch and Zoom Functionality
The Kobo Aura H2O came out in October 2014 and it was the first waterproof e-reader to hit the market. Many people were attracted to this device because it featured a 6.8 inch screen and can be used to read anywhere. One of the drawbacks of the H2O was the inability to pinch and zoom when reading PDF files, comics and or when using the internet browser. I am proud to report … [Read more...] about Kobo H2O e-Reader Gets Pinch and Zoom Functionality
Is the Kobo Glo HD Worth the Upgrade?
E-Readers are for the most part, immune to the same sort of upgrade cycle we see with smartphones and tablets. The amount of RAM, processor and internal storage are fairly consistent and not much innovation is happening in the e-reader world. This leaves software and resolution as the main reasons why upgrading is worth it. Today, we ask the question, is the upcoming Kobo Glo … [Read more...] about Is the Kobo Glo HD Worth the Upgrade?
Kobo H2O vs Kobo Glo HD – Full Comparison
The current e-reader product line from Kobo consist of the Aura, H2O and Glow HD. Word has it that there is a second generation Mini on the way, but it will likely be released within six months. The Kobo H2O was released late last year and is the first waterproof e-reader. It has a 6.8 inch screen, so it breaks the standard 6 inch convention. Whereas the Kobo Glo HD is only … [Read more...] about Kobo H2O vs Kobo Glo HD – Full Comparison