A few weeks ago Kobo announced that it was going to bring back their five inch Mini e-reader back for a limited time. The company had a number of units that were sitting in their Canadian warehouse and decided to market them to residents of Canada and the United States. This whole situation was a bit of a fiasco because customers received demo units, instead of new e-readers. … [Read more...] about The Kobo Mini e-reader is sold out
kobo mini 2015
Kobo Mini e-Reader available for a limited time
Kobo has brought back their five inch Mini e-reader and is being marketed for $49. This device is only available from November 3, 2015 through November 7 and comes with a free sleepcover. The Kobo Mini has a pint size five inch touchscreen display. The original model that came out in 2012 employed an antiquated e-ink Vizplex, but this new iteration of the Mini uses e-Ink … [Read more...] about Kobo Mini e-Reader available for a limited time