Kobo has introduced their Pulse social media feature into their latest update to their Android App. This allows users to comment to each other about the particular books they are reading and see how many other people are reading the same books. Kobo Pulse has been a huge success for the company and was originally featured in the release of their Vox Tablet last year. It … [Read more...] about Kobo Pulse Now Available for Android
kobo pulse
Gena Showalter Will Be the First Author to Chat with Fans via Kobo Pulse
If you love the book The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter, you are in luck! The author will be one of the first ever to do a chat with her fans using the Kobo Pulse platform. Kobo Pulse allows VOX owners to chat with other people or leave comments in real time. You can check out how many people have read the book or are currently reading it. If you want to chat with … [Read more...] about Gena Showalter Will Be the First Author to Chat with Fans via Kobo Pulse
Kobo Pulse for iPad Updated and Finally Allows You to Disable it
Kobo has updated their iOS application for the iPad, which brings more functionality to their Pulse program. The last Kobo update brought Pulse to the iPad, which gives you a chance to see who is reading the same book as you and chat with them in real time. It also adds a thumbs up/down feature to promote the best comments to the top of the page. Today they expanded on the … [Read more...] about Kobo Pulse for iPad Updated and Finally Allows You to Disable it
Kobo Adds Pulse to the Apple iPad
Kobo has just rolled out its new update to its popular iOS application for the Apple iPad! The big new feature dropping in version 5.0 is Kobo Pulse! This is one of the new social aspects found in the new Kobo Vox eReader that allows users to chat with each other and interact. Kobo Pulse was first unveiled during the Facebook developer conference last month and has finally … [Read more...] about Kobo Adds Pulse to the Apple iPad
Kobo Launches Pulse – New Facebook Social Media Project
At the F8 developer conference in which many companies announced new projects for the popular social networking website, we presented an exclusive interview with the Kobo CEO! Today Kobo officially announced via a press release the Kobo Pulse project, which aims to provide social engagement throughout the book. The Kobo Pulse project uses proprietary technology that really … [Read more...] about Kobo Launches Pulse – New Facebook Social Media Project
Kobo Introduces New Facebook Options for Reading Life
Today at the F8 Developer conference, Kobo announced new Facebook integration for Reading Life. The gist of the new service is that it will allow to engage in live chatting while they are reading books. It will also also allow people to feature their eReading activity on their Facebook profile. Through Facebook Platform, people can share the experience of the social reading app … [Read more...] about Kobo Introduces New Facebook Options for Reading Life