Kobo has an impromptu meeting with employees last week and asked the staff members what they liked about working for the company. Various people from all over the organization and spoke about the culture, perspectives on growth, and shared one word descriptions of Kobo. This video gives you a cool introspective about the company that most other e-reader and eBook companies … [Read more...] about Kobo Employees Sound off on Why they Dig working for the Company
kobo video
New Kobo Firmware 1.9.5 – eBook Font Video
Yesterday we reported on some of the new changes that occurred with the latest firmware update to the Kobo Touch. Many new features were implemented with this new enhancement fix. It adds new fonts, line spacing, margins, alignment, justification, and many other changes. This video tutorial outlines all of the major changes that have occurred! … [Read more...] about New Kobo Firmware 1.9.5 – eBook Font Video
How to Fix Font Size Issue with the Kobo E-Reader
The Kobo E-Reader in the small time it has been out has a notorious reputation of having tremendous difficulty with EPUB E-Books that you have downloaded from other Stores. Normally when you copy an EPUB E-Book you have bought or downloaded from another website, the font will be so small, that it is basically unreadable! There is now a solution for this, in the form of … [Read more...] about How to Fix Font Size Issue with the Kobo E-Reader