Kobo Writing Life authors now have the option to submit their self-published ebooks to the new Overdrive Cost-Per-Circulation system. The program is available for worldwide distribution and offers a simple submission process, which includes setting a library-specific price. The One-Copy/One-User model has been around since 2017 for Writing Life Authors. , but the exciting … [Read more...] about KWL Authors can submit to Overdrive Cost-Per-Circulation Mode
kobo writing life
Kobo Writing Life now accepts Audiobook submissions
Writing Life is the self-publishing arm of Kobo and when authors submit an ebook, it is sold across all of the various markets where Kobo sells digital content, which is most of the world. Kobo also launched an audiobook store in 2017, they sell titles on an individual basis and also have a subscription based system. You cannot play audiobooks on any of their E Ink devices, … [Read more...] about Kobo Writing Life now accepts Audiobook submissions
Tate Publishing Crooks Receive 20 Years, Nearly $1M in Restitution
In a victory for indie authors, the founder and CEO of vanity press Tate Publishing and his son who worked with him have been sentenced to a total of about twenty years in prison for taking money from authors for services they never provided. The jail sentences for a variety of charges have been suspended, meaning Richard and Ryan Tate will not have to serve that time as long … [Read more...] about Tate Publishing Crooks Receive 20 Years, Nearly $1M in Restitution
Kobo Writing Life is a Boon for Indie Authors
Kobo Writing Life is the self-publishing arm of Kobo and it launched in 2012. The e-books that authors submit are stacked side by side with titles from major publishers. Mark Lefebvre the Director of Self-Publishing & Author Relations sat down with Good e-Reader to give a status update and to let authors know some of the exciting things that are happening. Many new … [Read more...] about Kobo Writing Life is a Boon for Indie Authors
Should Barnes and Noble and Kobo Suspend their Self-Publishing Programs?
Barnes and Noble and Kobo have been running their self-publishing programs for a number of years. The two companies do very little to promote their services via the standard PR channels and most authors are blissfully unaware they even exist. Should they continue to develop their indie author business or should they abandon them in attempt to refocus their efforts on their … [Read more...] about Should Barnes and Noble and Kobo Suspend their Self-Publishing Programs?
Kobo Writing Life Unveils Author Pages and Reviews
Kobo Writing Life is one of the strongest alternatives to Kindle Direct Publishing. Authors who elect to self-publish with Kobo often find themselves able to market their titles in more international markets. Writing Life is working on two new compelling features that are currently in testing and will be unveiled soon. In the near future, Kobo will begin featuring book … [Read more...] about Kobo Writing Life Unveils Author Pages and Reviews
Kobo Takes Action to Quell Self-Published Erotica Titles
Self-published authors and small presses have had a number of their titles pulled from the Kobo, Barnes and Noble and Amazon bookstores due to an erotic firestorm. This was attributed to hardcore material being listed side by side with kids material on most major bookstores. Kobo has taken action by deleting erotic content and just published an update to authors participating … [Read more...] about Kobo Takes Action to Quell Self-Published Erotica Titles
Kobo Writing Life Introduces Free eBook Download Tracking
Kobo Writing Life is a self-publishing platform that has been going strong for the last year and a half. It appeals to authors who want to sell their books in many different markets and establish different prices. The service excels at their sales tracking software and has just unveiled the ability to track downloads on eBooks that you flag as free. Up until now, all reports … [Read more...] about Kobo Writing Life Introduces Free eBook Download Tracking
Kobo Writing Life Introduces Pre-Orders
Last year Kobo unveiled Writing Life, which is its seminal indie self-publishing platform. It has attracted many prominent authors, such as H.P. Mallory and Kevin J. Anderson. In the last few days, Kobo has quietly introduced the ability for authors to issue pre-orders for their ebooks. This adds a tremendous amount of versatility to promote your upcoming title before the … [Read more...] about Kobo Writing Life Introduces Pre-Orders
Kobo and the Alliance of Independent Authors Staging New Self-Publishing Event
The Alliance of Independent Authors and Kobo are staging a new event that will dive into the semantics of self-publishing via Writing Life. Mark Lefebre, Director of Self-Publishing & Author Relations at Kobo, and Orna Ross will be doing a Q/A on publishing in 2013. This event will be occurring on January 23rd, 2013 at 4pm EST. They will be using the Shindig video … [Read more...] about Kobo and the Alliance of Independent Authors Staging New Self-Publishing Event