Its LG's turn now to hog the limelight with the Optimus Pad, after their domestic competitor Samsung has announced the Galaxy Tab 2. The long wait has come to an end, as we finally get to have the official details of what can be termed as the world's first 3D capable tablet PC at the ongoing Mobile World Congress. Also, with this, the Optimus Pad becomes the second tablet to … [Read more...] about LG Optimus Pad launched
lg optimus
LG Optimus tablet coming ‘soon’
With its domestic compatriot Samsung hogging all the limelight with the soon to be launched Galaxy Pad tablet, how can LG be far behind. For the second largest business conglomerate in South Korea too is increasingly being seen upping the ante with the tablet device of its own. Named the Optimus Pad, LG too is keen to see the iPad toppled from the top slot that its holding … [Read more...] about LG Optimus tablet coming ‘soon’