Honoring Excellence: The 2024 National Book Awards The National Book Awards, established in 1950, celebrate the finest achievements in…Angela Waterfield25 November 2024No comments3 minute read
9 Best Non-Fiction Books Worth Re-Reading Books are a wonderful way to enhance learning, understand life and…Navkiran Dhaliwal4 March 2024No comments2 minute read
Nonfiction Book Publishing is Led by Men In the majority of bookstores, you’ll find that nonfiction shelves are dominated…Navkiran Dhaliwal20 February 2024No comments2 minute read
eBook Review: Four Boots One Journey by Jeff Alt Verdict: 5 Stars This is a book entirely about love: love between…Mercy Pilkington20 July 2014One comment1 minute read
Kindle Singles Submissions Open to New and Established Authors One factor that makes Amazon a powerhouse in both book selling and…Mercy Pilkington22 July 2012One comment2 minute read
HMH’s Distribution Partner for Teens, Zest Books One of the greatest things about BookExpo is getting to discover all…Mercy Pilkington6 June 2012One comment2 minute read