Publishers score significant legal victory against Internet Archive in copyright battle In a landmark ruling, book publishers have secured a significant legal victory…Sovan Mandal27 March 20244 comments2 minute read
DSTLRY: The New Comic Publisher Bridging the Gap Between Readers and Creators Original creators of comic books are believed to be insufficiently compensated for…Navkiran Dhaliwal8 May 2023No comments2 minute read
Publishers drag Shopify to court over allegations of selling pirated books Shopify has found itself at the receiving end of publisher’s ire who…Sovan Mandal5 December 2021No comments2 minute read
Ebook revenue fell 4.2% in 2019 and generated $983.3 million In 2019 ebook revenue in the United States declined 4.2% and generated…Michael Kozlowski10 March 2020One comment2 minute read
Publishers Pleased with First Children’s Book Fair Held in China The first Children’s Book Fair held in China ran from 7th till…Sovan Mandal16 November 2013One comment3 minute read
South Africa in Need of a Reliable Digital Reading Platform Malcolm Seegers, digital publisher for Macmillan, stressed the need to have in…Sovan Mandal7 November 20132 comments2 minute read
Bloomsbury Records Impressive First Half Growth, eBooks Comprise Half of the Bestsellers The Bloomsbury Group that publishes the Harry Potter series has announced an…Sovan Mandal25 October 20132 comments2 minute read
Flipkart Launches e-Platform For Aspiring Authors in India Online retailer Flipkart is out to woo debut authors in India by…Sovan Mandal8 August 2013One comment2 minute read
Tablet and eBook Readers and the Impact They Have on Digital Publishing The world is hooked on mobile devices, such as ebook readers or…Sovan Mandal29 December 20122 comments2 minute read
Simon & Schuster to Tap Roku and Blinkx for More Exposure of Book Videos Publishers Simon & Schuster has already experienced success with its book and…Sovan Mandal20 September 2012No comments2 minute read