The China based ZTE has introduced a new tablet at the ongoing MCW that includes the sun light readable Pixel Qi screen. The other nice thing with the new Android tablet named ZTE Light 2 is that it comes with a 7 inch display making it the first in the segment to include the liquid crystal Pixel Qi display. Almost every other Pixel Qi based tablet that has seen the sun light … [Read more...] about ZTE tablet with Pixel Qi display
OpenPeak launches 7 and 10 inch Android tablets at the CES
OpenPeak has come to the CES with a tablet that packs in some interesting specs. The tablet will be based on the new Intel Atom Moorestown processor and will run the Google Android 2.2 Froyo operating system. The tablet will have a 7 inch capacitive touchscreen display with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. The tablet looks great and is apparently well built with the three … [Read more...] about OpenPeak launches 7 and 10 inch Android tablets at the CES