LG had first provided us a glimpse of its next tablet ambitions built on the new Windows 8 platform. Named the Tab-Book Ultra Z160, the tablets are set to reach stores in Korea within the month, though it's not known when that will happen for the rest of the world. Also, as with most tablets based on the Windows 8 platform, the Ultra Z160 is both a tablet and a notebook rolled … [Read more...] about LG Tab-Book Ultra Z160 Windows 8 Tablet Launched in Korea
Will Windows 8 Survive in the Tablet Space?
Initial reviews of the Surface Pro aren't painting a very optimistic picture of the Microsoft tablet, which brings us back to the question: Will the Apple iPad go unchallenged? Or to put things in a bigger perspective, how things are likely to pan out in the entire tablet computing segment with reference to Windows 8? With the Surface Pro not proving good enough both as a … [Read more...] about Will Windows 8 Survive in the Tablet Space?
IFA 2012: Toshiba Launches Windows 8 Convertible Tablet
Toshiba is showing off a convertible tablet running Windows 8 at the ongoing IFA event in Berlin. Called Satellite U920t, the tablet offers a 12.5 inch display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. The keyboard remains hidden underneath the display when not in use, but can be pulled out easily using a slide out mechanism when needed. The display (when locked in an upright … [Read more...] about IFA 2012: Toshiba Launches Windows 8 Convertible Tablet
Dell Latitude 10: More Details Surface of the Windows 8 Tablet
We already are aware of a 10 inch tablet running Windows 8 being readied at Dell, thanks to a previous leak. Thankfully, another leak has shed some more light on the tablet, which has helped with filling in the blanks. We now know the Dell Latitude 10 will have a 1366 x 768 resolution, 10.1 inch Gorilla glass for added durability, 2 GB of DDR RAM, SSD storage of 128 GB max, and … [Read more...] about Dell Latitude 10: More Details Surface of the Windows 8 Tablet
Toshiba Portege Windows 8 Tablet Shown at the CES
Toshiba is working on a new convertible device that can both be a tablet and a netbook at the same time. However, the device was nowhere to be seen at the Toshiba booth at the just concluded CES. Instead, the Toshia Portege M930 was seen jostling for space at the Windows camp among a sea of other ultrabooks. Under its covers, the Portege M930 plays host to an Intel Core i5 … [Read more...] about Toshiba Portege Windows 8 Tablet Shown at the CES
Windows 8 tablet might be too little too late
Windows 8 did manage to build up a lot of excitement when it was unveiled earlier in the year though the fact remains, all of that might remain too far fetched if its not on time. Windows next iteration is coming at a time when the Apple iOS and Google Android has already entrenched themselves considerably in the tablet space, which means Windows 8 has to hit ground running. To … [Read more...] about Windows 8 tablet might be too little too late