PressReader has unveiled a new service on their main website that gives readers news from around the world. Basically, what it does is pull content from every major newspaper in the PressReader network and gives readers the ability to read headlines and then pull up a feature story. It is a new way for people on the go to read bite sized news snippets and the responsive design can be viewed on tablets, phones and computers.
The News section on allows readers to select the country they want to pull major news stories from and customize their own experience. By default, it is automatically detect your geographic location, such as the USA and contributing newspapers would include; New York Times, Daily Mail, Wall Street Journal, Guardian, The Telegraph and many more. One of the things I like about it, is the international flavor in the featured news items.
By default, the news service pulls all sorts of stories from the thousands of newspapers in which the articles derive. You can refine your tastes and just look at Business, Entertainment, Sports, Editorial, and Readers Choice.
One of the more compelling aspects of the unlimited news service is the responsive design. It looks good on smartphones and tablets, mainly because it optimizes itself to whatever screen you are using. If you are finding the text is too small, there are options to increase it and also change the font-type. If you speak a different language the papers can be auto translated on the fly, which is quite handy.
PressReader is going to be implementing this web-only service into their main PressReader Newspaper app in March. The company is betting big on curated content, which is free, in a bid to get more people using their subscription based service.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.