Three of the four charts are oddly skewed this week, with Hawkeye, DC comics, and The Walking Dead each taking over a different top ten.
1. Forever Evil #5
2. Ms. Marvel #1
3. Earth 2 #20
4. New Avengers, vol. 3 #14
5. Loki: Agent of Asgard #1
6. Hawkeye #11
7. Hawkeye #6
8. Hawkeye #9
9. Hawkeye #10
10. Hawkeye #8
Marvel dominates the comiXology top ten this week, taking eight of the ten slots; they had two #1 issues, including the much-hyped appearance of Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel, and 99-cent sale on Hawkeye helps as well.
1. Hyperbole and a Half
2. Stephen King’s N
3. Injustice Year Two #2
4. The Walking Dead, vol. 1
5. Fables, vol. 1
6. Big Nate: I Smell a Pop Quiz
7. Injustice Year 2 #1
8. The Hedge Knight: The Graphic Novel
9. The Walking Dead #120
10. The Sworn Sword: The Graphic Novel
The Kindle top ten is always an interesting mix; Hyperbole and a Half continues to dominate, and below that there’s a mix of genres and formats—The Walking Dead in collected and single-issue form, two Game of Thrones tie-ins, two issues of the second season of Tom Taylor’s Injustice… Kindle readers are nothing if not eclectic.
1. Naruto, vol. 64
2. Smallville, Season 11 #1
3. Superman: The Man of Steel #1
4. Green Lantern #1 #1
5. Mad Magazine #1
6. Superman #1
7. Batman Beyond #1
8. Animal Man #1
9. The Walking Dead, vol. 1
10. Legends of the Dark Knight #1
After weeks of stasis, the Nook chart has moved quite a bit. It’s dominated by 99-cent single-issue DC comics, at least one of which (Mad Magazine #1) used to be free, so it may be that its position on the chart reflects a lot of free downloads.
1. The Walking Dead #120
2. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #16
3. Injustice Year Two #2
4. The Walking Dead, vol. 19
5. The Walking Dead #19
6. Injustice Year Two #3
7. The Walking Dead, vol. 1
8. The Walking Dead, vol. 2
9. The Walking Dead, vol. 17
10. The Walking Dead: Compendium Two
Down at the iBookstore, it looks like The Walking Dead have taken over; gone are the multiple issues of My Little Pony that usually share the space. It’s interesting that while the first volume of The Walking Dead charts reliably on the Kindle and Nook platforms, only in iBooks do the more recent volumes pop up. It looks like they are up to date on Injustice Year Two as well, but that issue #3 is a pre-order.