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Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse is the Sega Genesis classic reimagined for Android. The premise of the game has you playing Mickey on a quest to save his darling Minnie from the evil witch Mizrabel clutches.

This game reminds me of Mario 64, in the respect that you enter different worlds and complete them. You earn stars and gems which unlock different doors. From a gameplay point of view, it functions as a platformer that is very 2D in nature, but the backgrounds are all 3D. You can shoot projectiles at dancing clowns or windup knights.

Mickey himself is also exquisitely animated, as is absolutely everything else in Castle of Illusion. There are many different locations, such as Toy fortresses and enormous libraries that manage to make mundane objects both awe-inspiring and menacing, and a fully revamped Candy Land, featuring milkshake rivers and a licorice dragon, could win the award for the most colorful set piece of the year. Castle of Illusion may be short, but its abundance of ideas never runs dry, and that’s never been more evident than in this HD remake.