TENQ P07 Ubuntu tablet revealed You might surely have heard of Benq before – the Taiwan based…Sovan Mandal29 December 2010
New Andoid tablet from Onkyo Japan based company Onkyo has joined the Android party with a tablet…Sovan Mandal28 December 2010
Apple iPad 2 to have 3 different models in 2011 The Apple iPad has been a resounding success and currently over 2…Michael Kozlowski28 December 2010
Dell Streak 7 breezes thru FCC Here it is, the Dell Streak 7 that has been making just…Sovan Mandal28 December 2010
A new Adam video (with sound) The Adam series of videos has just got a bit more interesting…Sovan Mandal27 December 2010
Notion Ink Adam Video – Web Browser and More Details Here is the next video from Notion Ink and thankfully, makers of the…Sovan Mandal27 December 2010
Compal and Quanta Developing Tablet PC’s with Thermal Modules and Fans We all know the Tablet PC space is increasingly becoming more competitive…Michael Kozlowski26 December 2010
A Notion Ink video, along with Christmas greetings Well, we have seen the Adam do a lot of things post…Sovan Mandal26 December 2010
Adam hardware details revealed in the latest video Notion Ink is continuing with the video tirade it had promised it…Sovan Mandal25 December 2010
Barnes and Noble releases Nook Kids for the iPad It seems like just yesterday the Barnes and Noble Nook Color was released…Michael Kozlowski25 December 2010
The Dbrain tablet concept While we have seen the Streak 5 as well as the iPad…Sovan Mandal25 December 2010
Pixel Qi to show off 3 LCD-TFT screens at CES 2011 Pixel Qi technology should get its chance to shine this year via…Michael Kozlowski25 December 2010
BENQ R100 Android Tablet PC due out Q1 2011 Popular electronics company BENQ is releasing a new Android 2.2 Tablet PC…Michael Kozlowski24 December 2010