A mysterious new watch has surfaced on the FCC website, listed under the code name IPH-04600, Forbes reported. According to the information available in one of the documents, this watch could potentially be the largest model produced by Garmin. Based on the listed dimensions of 5.7cm by 1.3cm, the watch face could measure as much as 57mm in diameter. If true, this would make it even larger than the Fenix 7X, which has a 51mm watch face, albeit with a thinner design. However, the measurements are only approximate, so it remains to be seen how large the watch will actually be.
Based on leaked information, a new Garmin watch may be in development with a longer battery life than any of its predecessors. The device, listed as IPH-04600, is speculated to be a potential successor to the Garmin Instinct series. While the exact size of the watch is not confirmed, the dimensions listed on the FCC website suggest that it could have a 57mm watch face, making it even larger than the Fenix 7X. With the current leader, the Enduro 2, offering 34 days of battery life per charge, this new watch could potentially have an even longer battery life. The Garmin Instinct 2, with a 45mm diameter, can already last up to 28 days on a single charge or indefinitely with solar charging. A glimpse of the watch’s design indicates that it could belong to the Instinct 2 series or share similarities with it, as it features a square display embedded in a circular watch face.
So far so good but large watches have their own set of challenges. For instance, watches with a 57mm diameter may be too large for some people’s wrists, but a larger casing is necessary for higher water resistance, especially for diving. While the current Instinct 2 series has good water resistance, it lacks the certification required for professional diving. Ensuring that button presses do not cause water damage is a challenge, and Garmin warns against scuba diving with Instinct 2. This new watch could be a cheaper alternative to the Descent MK2 series of diving watches, which starts at $549. Garmin has not made any official announcements, but the appearance of this watch on the FCC website suggests that more information will be available in the near future. Stay tuned.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.