Amazon is continuing to innovate on how it helps sellers succeed by giving them the option to provide a URL to their own website and leverage a new generative AI capability to easily create high-quality product detail pages in Amazon’s store.
Amazon is continuing to launch new generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities that meaningfully improve how customers shop in the store, and how sellers create thriving businesses. One area we are focused on is helping our selling partners more easily create high-quality product pages. Previously, creating product pages required significant effort from sellers to develop and input accurate and comprehensive product details across numerous attributes to build compelling product descriptions that attract the right customers. Amazon is now making it even easier for sellers to accomplish this with the ability to transform existing product pages on other websites into rich product listings tailored to Amazon’s store, with far less effort.
Sellers may be able to use generative AI to create compelling product titles, descriptions, and other product details. We followed this with the ability for sellers to simply upload an image of their product and use generative AI to automatically generate their product title, description, and even more product attributes. These features can also suggest attributes such as color and keywords to help effectively index the product in customer search experiences.
While it is still early days, 100,000+ Amazon’s selling partners have already used one or more of our generative AI listing tools. Amazon always encourage its selling partners to review generated product details before they submit them to our store, and already, the majority of AI-generated listings are being submitted, with sellers accepting suggested attributes nearly 80% of the time with minimal edits.
Amazon has compared the AI-generated content to non-AI generated content and found improvements across measures of clarity, accuracy, and detail, which can increase a product’s discoverability when customers search in the shopping store. Amazon’s selling partners have reported that it saves them time, so they can focus more of their attention on developing great products, a benefit particularly valuable to small businesses and customers.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.