RBmedia, the largest audiobook publisher in the world. Today the company announced the acquisition of John Verlag’s German-language audiobook catalog. Titles acquired through this deal will be added to the company’s RBmedia Verlag audio brand.

Founded by journalist Michael John in 2006, John Verlag publishes predominantly nonfiction audiobooks in the politics, investigative journalism, business, biographies, and advice genres. Its catalog of well-known authors includes Robert Marc Lehmann, Martin Sonneborn, Alice Schwarzer, Robin Alexander, and world star Elton John.

Bestselling John Verlag audiobook titles to be published under the RBmedia Verlag brand include:

“Football Leaks” by Rafael Buschmann and Michael Wulzinger
“The Driven” by Robin Alexander
“The Schulz Story” by Markus Feldenkirchen
“Mr. Sonneborn goes to Brussels” by Martin Sonneborn

Michael John, Publisher and Managing Director of John Verlag said, “I founded John Verlag in 2006 and today it has an extensive and high-quality audiobook publishing program. We live in times of increasing tendentious reporting by the media. It is therefore becoming increasingly important that unfiltered, serious, and well-founded information is available in the form of books and audiobooks. Together with RBmedia, we look forward to expanding this portfolio.”

Miles Stevens-Hoare, Managing Director of RBmedia international, said, “The acquisition of John Verlag adds to RBmedia’s presence in the German audiobook market and continues our international expansion. Since 2021 RBmedia has extended its global footprint with the acquisition of five European audiobook catalogs—Booka, ABOD, Hörbuch München, Éditions Thélème, and now John Verlag. This strong growth in international markets demonstrates the rising popularity of audiobooks around the world.”

Editor-in-chief | michael@goodereader.com

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.