On January 16th and 17th, the annual Digital Book World conference takes place in New York. It’s always an excellent event and this year we should have coverage by Mercy Pilkington and Paul Biba.
Stay with us and get all the info from this excellent event. Among the speakers will be the Digital Director of the Obama campaign, the President of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, CEO of Sourcebooks, a VP of Barnes & Noble, the Chief Digital Officer of HarperCollins and representatives from Wiley, Random House, Hachette, Bloomsbury Press, Scholastic, Dutton, Penguin, Open Road Integrated Media, Random House, St. Martins Press and more.
Should be a blast! Stay tuned to our website as we will be the difinitive source for this event! We will cover ALL of the sessions and bring video interviews with all the major digital publishing players.
Paul Biba is a retired corporate international lawyer who has worked in 53 countries. Since he is a very fast reader he came to ebooks out of self-defense in order to avoid carrying a suitcase of books on his travels around the world. An early ebook adopter, he has read on Palms, Pocket PCs and practically every device that has been out there. After being a frequent contributor to TeleRead.com, the oldest ebook/epublishing blog on the net, Paul became TeleRead's Editor-in-Chief, a position he recently resigned. Send Paul an email to paulkbiba@gmail.com