In a turn of events that even the publisher didn’t see coming, fans of author Colleen Hoover’s work–calling themselves the CoHorts–launched a Twitter campaign, petition, and general ruckus to have one of the author’s works made available in print. The free ebook short story “Finding Cinderella” was intended as a bonus for loyal readers, but instead has taken on a life of its own as the fans clamored for the option to buy it in print.

According to the Atria Newsroom site, “If you’ve been anywhere near our Twitter feed or Atria Indie Authors page, you’ve seen a movement. #1 Bestseller Colleen Hoover’s fans, under the name #CoHorts, started a petition to have Finding Cinderella, a free e-short story, turned into a printed book (because you can’t smell an e-reader, and their shelves were lonely). 5,000 tweets, hundreds of posts and memes, and a few Harry Connick Jr. references later, we’ve finally announced that we are printing the book!

Finding Cinderella printed edition will be released in paperback on March 18th, 2014 and will include an exclusive epilogue not featured in the e-book, a note from the author, and will feature fan tweets from the #FindingCinderella campaign on the back inside cover!”

While the upcoming book itself is rather short, the print edition will feature bonus material, including some of the tweets that got the ball rolling in the first place. Other features will include giveaways, a contest to find online retails’ preorder links, a transcript of the Twitter chat with the author, and more.

While the fans who worked so hard to achieve this goal will have to wait an annoyingly long (and confusing) amount of time for the release of the print book, that time will be spent enjoying the many ways that the publisher has demonstrated its willingness to connect and interact with its customers. This is a rather exciting amount of publisher-author-fan interaction, and hopefully more publishers will follow suit with this level of engagement with their readers.

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.